Every year, Missouri Western’s Center for Multicultural Education awards three MLK Drum Major for Justice Awards, one to an MWSU student, one to an MWSU employee and one to a St. Joseph Community Member. The awards are presented at its annual banquet, and they are soliciting nominations for the awards now.

The MLK Drum Major award is for citizens who live ordinary lives but do extraordinary acts of service with reliability and commitment, but who seldom receive recognition. The recipients are committed to social justice and multicultural education service.

To nominate someone for the award go to www.missouriwestern.edu/student-life/center-for-multicultural-education/ and click “2019 Drum Major for Justice Award Nomination.” Deadline is Jan. 9, 2019.

The banquet will be a 6 p.m. Jan. 23, 2019 in Spratt Hall Enright Rooms 214-216. To make a reservation,  call (816) 271-4159, email cme@missouriwestern.edu or sign up in Blum 207.