Awards and Recognition

Alumni Awards Banquet

Every year at Homecoming, the Missouri Western Alumni Association honors accomplished alumni for outstanding contributions to their field, their university and/or their community.

Nominations are open for the 43rd Annual Alumni Awards Banquet that will take place on October 3. The deadline to submit nominations is April 1, so now’s your chance to send them in! Visit to nominate our high-achieving Griffons!

Congratulations to the 2024 Alumni Award Honorees!

L.B. Galbearth '94
L.B. Galbearth '94Distinguished Alumni Award
Natalie Hawn '00
Natalie Hawn '00 Distinguished Alumni Award
Tammie Conley
Tammie Conley Distinguished Faculty Award
Kaleb Johnson '15
Kaleb Johnson '15 Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) Award
Sharon Kosek '77
Sharon Kosek '77Herb ’35 and Peggy Iffert Award for Outstanding Service to the University
Peggy Gaines '76
Peggy Gaines '76Great Griffon Award
College of Science & Health
Kate Schaefer '00
Kate Schaefer '00 Great Griffon Award
College of Business & Professional Studies
Courtenay Wills '02
Courtenay Wills '02 Great Griffon Award
College of Liberal Arts
Elizabeth Reese '24
Elizabeth Reese '24Graduating Student of the Year
Roger Collins '24
Roger Collins '24Clifford Hughes ’55 Award
Artemii Udovenko ’24
Artemii Udovenko ’24International Student of the Year


If you would like to nominate someone for an award, please see the nominations page and follow the instructions listed for each award.