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Alumni Adventures

26 May, 2018

    Israel Adventure: Day 3


    It was a full day for alumni and friends today. We started by touring the remains of Caesarea – the “Crusader City” and also the site of Herod the Great’s Palace. We then went to Mount Carmel where the Prophet Elijah debated the 450 Prophets of Baal. It was then in to Tel-Megiddo – or [...]

    Israel Adventure: Day 32018-10-04T16:09:54-05:00
    24 May, 2018

      Israel Adventure: Day 1 – Wheels Up


      May 24, 2018 We departed today for Israel from KCI. Fourteen of us – I mean 15 including Max – took a Missouri Western bus from campus. When we got to the airport, Max was snug in my bag when I checked in, but he had to go through security. He made it through without [...]

      Israel Adventure: Day 1 – Wheels Up2018-10-04T14:31:50-05:00