
The Accessibility Resource Center leads the campus community in its commitment to recognizing disability as a valued aspect of diversity, to embracing access as a matter of social justice, and to designing more welcoming and inclusive environments.

Our Services

The following services do not represent a complete account of all accommodations. Reasonable accommodations are determined based on documentation and a discussion with students at an intake meeting. Not all students will qualify for all accommodations.

Educational accommodations in higher education are based upon access, not success, and are determined on an individual basis. Examples of educational accommodations include extended time for quizzes, tests and exams; reduced distraction testing location; and lecture capture. Students requesting Educational Accommodations can complete the Registration Form (this link opens a new page).

Assistive/Accessible Technology

Assistive/accessible technology empowers our students to do things for themselves. Assistive technology includes: alternative format texts, screen reader, screen magnifier, note taking/lecture capture software (Panopto), text-to-speech software (Read & Write) and contrast keyboards. Students requesting Assistive Technology can complete the Registration Form (this link opens a new page).