A Bachelor of Science in Biology provides a strong foundation in science while allowing you to tailor a focus to match your interests. It is ideal for students seeking a career as a professional biologist or researcher or planning to apply to graduate school, medical, dental or veterinary medicine school.


General Biology students study life and living organisms, including their physical and chemical structure, function, development and evolution. A degree in Biology opens opportunities in hundreds of areas. Our students go on to be teachers, researchers, doctors, dentists, conservationists, ecologists, environmentalists, paleontologists and so much more. Being a biology major leads to numerous opportunities for lab and field research, teaching assistant positions, and presenting and publishing original research.

Microbiology students in a lab

The concentration in Health Science is designed to prepare students for entry into graduate and professional schools in many medical fields, including medicine, veterinary, dental and more. We also have program agreements for early entry or pre-admission into select chiropractic, osteopathic and allopathic medical schools.

Two students, one looking in a microscope

Student looking in a microscope

Mapping your degree plan is important. Consult with your academic advisor to create a plan and monitor it regularly.