• Test Taker Information

  • Enter your G number including the G.
  • Be sure to enter your entire Missouri Western email address. If you do not have a Missouri Western email address, delete the automatically filled “@missouriwestern.edu” and enter your personal email address. Double check that you have correctly entered your email address since your appointment confirmation will be emailed to this address.
  • Appointment Information

  • Exam Appointment Information:

    Once you submit your appointment request, then you will receive a confirmation email.

    If no exam dates are noted above, all exams have reached capacity and appointments for testing cannot be requested via this web page.

  • Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) Information:

    If you have a documented disability with the ARC for which you receive testing accommodations at Missouri Western, you must request the accommodations prior to testing. To ensure that your accommodations are met, a copy of your accessibility plan must be given to Sandra Pennock in Agenstein Hall 140 at least 24 hours prior to the time of your exam.

  • Instructions:

    After you click submit you will receive an EMAIL CONFIRMATION which will include instructions for the day of your test along with a link to review materials.

    Be sure to arrive 10 minutes prior to your chosen testing time. The testing session will be in Hearnes 306.

    YOU MUST HAVE PHOTO IDENTIFICATION with you such as a driver's license or Missouri Western student ID.