MWSU CTL Spring 2021 Virtual Scholarship Summit

College of Business and Professional Studies

Phillip Frank and Shiva Nandan (Business), “I’ve Got to Have Them All! The Historical Contribution of Kewpie Dolls to Consumer Culture: An Investigation into Intellectual Copyright in the Early 20th Century”


Purpose: The emergence of Consumer Culture has seen significant historical research in the past (see Ward, 2009). However, the role of intellectual property rights as a means for commercializing brands has not been significantly investigated in the historical marketing literature. Thus, the current paper presents an in-depth historical investigation into the creation and evolution of one intellectual brand.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The case study is based on a literature review of key studies related to the topics of copyright law in the United States, Kewpie dolls as a singular brand example and consumer culture. Additionally, historical artifacts are acquired for analysis.
Findings: The findings provide a case study on the evolution of brands as intellectual property rights in the United States at the turn of the 20th Century. The study demonstrates how fictional characters were integrated in early advertisements in an effort to draw appeal for both the intellectual property as well as the brand being sold.
Originality/Value: This study provides further evidence on the evolution of brand copyrighting as a function of advertising and marketing at the early 20th Century in the United States. No previous research has been published that uses the specific brand of intellectual property to demonstrate its significance to the history of marketing and advertising.

David Marble (Criminal Justice), “Does Student Participation in Publisher Provided Online Practice Exercises Improve Student Mastery of Class Content?”

Abstract: For the past 5 years, students taking the Introduction to Criminal Justice class at Missouri Western have been either encouraged or required to complete weekly online practice exercises (CONNECT) in an attempt to improve student performance and mastery of class content. This presentation will review the analysis completed to determine whether student participation in these online CONNECT practice exercises improved student content mastery as determined by
final exam scores and overall student final grades in the Intro to CJ class.
Prior to the adoption of CONNECT in Spring 2016, students in the Intro to CJ class were required to complete weekly chapter quizzes. For one semester, the weekly chapter quizzes were replaced with the CONNECT exercises. After the Spring 2016 semester, students were again required to complete weekly chapter quizzes and the CONNECT exercises were either optional or required, depending upon the semester.
Thus, there are four models to compare aggregate student grades. The four models are as follows:
1. Required quizzes, no practice exercises, final exam (Fall 2014-Fall 2015).
2. No quizzes, required practice exercises, final exam (Spring 2016).
3. Required quizzes, optional practice exercises, final exam (Fall 2016-Fall 2018).
4. Required quizzes, required practices exercises, final exam (Since Spring 2019).
This presentation will focus on a comparison of aggregate student grades across these four models and exploring whether the CONNECT practice exercises served to improve student content mastery.

Dan Shepherd (Education), “Student Preferences About University Education Department Instructor Attire”

Abstract: Significant research has been conducted into the preferences of college students for what their course instructors wear while teaching face-to-face university classes. This article focuses on a specific focus within that research: students within a teacher education department of a midsized Midwestern state university. The study used a survey to examine student preferences into this topic. Data were gathered using an online survey of 92 teacher education department students in one Midwestern state university. The survey asked students to respond to images of men and women in various levels of formal dress; these levels included very informal attire, casual attire, business casual attire, and more formal attire. Students were asked to respond on a Likert-type scale about the impact of instructor dress on their own learning, on their perception of the instructor’s competence, and on their attitudes toward the professor’s apparent approachability or friendliness. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. This study suggests that students prefer their instructors to wear business casual attire while teaching. This finding was true for both male and female professors, and the survey results further indicate that business casual dress is best for student learning, for student perception of the instructor’s competence, and for the perceived approachability of the professor by students. The results of this study provide direction for college-level instructors seeking to enhance their overall effectiveness in lesson presentation. Disaggregated data based on student demographics were also considered.

College of Liberal Arts

Sathiavanee Veeramoothoo (Economics) and Shawkat Hammoudeh, “Impact of Basel III Liquidity Regulations on U.S. Bank Performance in Different Conditional Profitability Spectrums”

Abstract: We study the impact of the Basel III liquidity constraints, represented by the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) and the net stable funding ratio (NSFR), on bank profitability, by employing the simultaneous quantile regression framework with time fixed effects. We find a positive and significant relationship between the LCR and profitability and the NSFR and profitability over most quantiles. However, the small magnitudes of the coefficients on LCR and NSFR across all quantiles of profitability suggest that LCR and NSFR have a minor quantitative impact on bank profitability. We then test and find that the coefficients for NSFR and LCR in the 10th quantile (banks with very low profits) are significantly different from the respective coefficients in the 90th quantile (banks with very high profits), thus justifying the use of the quantile approach. This has also been supported by the plots of confidence intervals of the coefficients of independent variables over the quantiles, compared to those of the OLS. Lastly, we find that LCR and NSFR have very different impacts on big banks compared to small banks, in terms of both the significance and sign of the coefficients. The results highlight that liquidity regulations may have to be tailored based on the bank size and the relative profitability of each bank. Their minor impacts may suggest that Basel III has perhaps successfully set the liquidity requirements adequately, since that the bank profitability is not impacted while the entire financial system is less prone to an industry-wide liquidity crisis.

College of Science and Health

Cristi Campbell (Nursing) and Angela Voga, “Integration of Trauma-Informed Care in a Pre-Licensure Nursing Program”

Abstract: Trauma-informed care (TIC) is an approach to patient care that assumes, at some time in the patient’s life experience, there has been some version of a traumatic event. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHA) coined TIC as a principle that provides patient care in a manner that is sensitive and understanding of the patient’s past experiences (Heath, Wise, Romero, & Reynolds, 2013). The federal government has also stressed the importance of TIC among existing federal programs and encourages its incorporation as indicated by House resolution #443. TIC learning encourages student nurses to first examine themselves to determine if a past personal trauma could affect the therapeutic relationship. A pilot study was conducted to assess the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) in a cohort of nursing students, with a secondary goal of integrating TIC principles into the course content.
After IRB approval, students enrolled in the Mental Health Nursing course at Missouri Western State University anonymously completed the ACE’s self-assessment (Felitti et al., 1998). This allowed faculty to evaluate the extent that students may be affected by their own ACE’s. The subsequent goal was to increase student awareness of how their past experiences may affect the development of therapeutic relationships. This was accomplished by integrating TIC content and self-awareness activities into their Clinical Orientation to better prepare them for clinical experiences. The long-term goal is to integrate evidence-based TIC instructional strategies into the classroom preparing them to apply these same principles in their nursing practice.

Michael W. Ducey (Chemistry), “A Natural Product Analysis Themed Sequence of Experiments for Use in a Chemical Instrumentation Course”

Abstract: A sequence of experiments focused on the analysis of natural products is described. This experimental sequence was employed in an undergraduate instrumental analysis course in which the primary enrollment is by students in chemistry aligned programs and students pursing a chemistry minor. The sequence was designed to provide contextual applied learning experiences to course participants over a 15-week term. Beginning in Week 3 students engaged in a series of 9 experiments, all with a natural product aspect. Experiments engage the students in all of the common areas of chemical instrumentation including molecular spectroscopy (absorbance and luminescence), atomic spectroscopy, chemical separations (HPLC and gas chromatography), and electrochemical methods. Examples of experiments include the application of spent coffee grounds to the remediation of wastewater, the quantitation of alpha-acid content in brewing hops, and the quantitation flavonoids in red wine. During the last two weeks of the course, students complete a capstone experience in which the propose, carryout, and present an experiment of their own design. This presentation will provide an overview of the program, discussion of each of the experiments within, presentation of representative results, and a discussion of the challenges and success encountered.

Laura Nold (Nursing), “Teaching Nursing Ethics Within Context”

Abstract: The purpose of this presentation is to discuss strategies to incorporate nursing ethics in a meaningful way across the curriculum. Students need to be met where they are at in their learning to be able to apply ethical concepts within the context of care they are working in. In this concept-based curriculum, nursing ethics is one of the main concepts covered in the Professional Concepts of Nursing course. Students in this course have very limited clinical experience as the course occurs during the first semester of their nursing education. The clinical experience for students at this level of education occurs at a long-term care facility typicaly, but currently the nursing lab due to covid restrictions. Understanding these limitations, and that students don’t have much context, the presenter applies examples they can relate to while teaching various provisions in the ANA Code of Ethics. Mini case studies are developed for various provisions of the Code of Ethics.
These case studies range from situations that may occur while as student (for example, another nursing student shows them exam questions they took a photo of) to ethical issues that may arise in the care setting in which they engage in clinical. Students are also asked to do a reverse case study, in which they are given a provision from the Code of Ethics, and are asked to write a case study in which an ethical dilemma occurs. Other teaching strategies include using video
case studies created by the instructor, and class debates.
The instructor also teaches pediatric nursing during the third semester of the nursing curriculum. During the Pediatric Nursing course, students have more context to apply ethical principles. Due to the vulnerability of the client population being addressed in this course, the instructor chooses to teach various ethical issues specific to the pediatric population. One of the main concepts covered in this course is sexuality. Ethical considerations related to sexuality in the pediatric population are addressed while teaching this concept. Other ethical considerations specific to pediatric patients are also discussed in active learning formats. The presenter will discuss various teaching strategies to help students apply ethical considerations to the patient populations they are caring for.

Pi-Ming Yeh (Nursing), “The Influences of Family Interaction and Spiritual Well-Being on Elders’ Psychological Well-Being and Suicidal Ideation”


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of family interaction and spiritual well-being on the older people’s psychological well-being and suicidal ideation.

Methods: This was a cross sectional, descriptive research design. The structured questionnaires were used to do the data collection. There were 90 older people recruited from communities in the USA. The mean age was 72.23 (SD = 7.07). There were 36 Male (40%) and 54 Female (60%). The SPSS 23 version was used to do the data analysis. The descriptive data analysis, Pearson Correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regressions were used to solve the research questions.

Results: In this study, for family interaction, the following variables had significant relationships with older people’s psychological well-being: child monitor, inconsistent discipline, harsh discipline, inductive reasoning, communication, involvement, positive family interaction and negative family interaction. Older people whose parents used child monitor, inductive reasoning, communication, involvement, and positive family interaction, had higher scores of psychological well-being. Older people whose parents used inconsistent discipline, harsh discipline, and negative family interaction had lower scores of psychological well-being.

For spiritual well-being, the following variables had significant relationships with older people’s psychological well-being: total score of spiritual well-being, faith/belief, life and self-responsibility, and life satisfaction/ self- actualization. Older people who had higher scores of spiritual well-being, higher score of faith/belief, higher score of life and self-responsibility, and life satisfaction/ self- actualization had higher scores of psychological well-being.

For family interaction, the following variables had significant relationships with older people’s suicidal ideation: harsh discipline, negative family interaction, and positive reinforcement. Older people whose parents used harsh discipline and negative family interaction had higher scores of suicidal ideation. Older people whose parents used positive reinforcement had lower scores of suicidal ideation.

For spiritual well-being, the following variables had significant relationships with older people’s suicidal ideation: total score of spiritual well-being, faith/belief, life and self-responsibility, and life satisfaction and self-actualization. Older people who had higher score of spiritual well-being, higher score of faith/belief, higher score of life and self-responsibility, and higher score of life satisfaction and self-actualization had lower score of suicidal ideation.

The Stepwise Multiple Regression model variables accounted for 73.3% of the psychological well-being variance. Life satisfaction/self-actualization, life/self responsibility, and negative family interaction were the significant predictors of older people’s psychological well-being. Higher score of life satisfaction/self-actualization, higher score of life/self responsibility, and lower score of negative family interaction were associated with increasing older people’s psychological well-being.

The Stepwise Multiple Regression model variables accounted for 34.5 % of the suicidal ideation variance. Life satisfaction/self-actualization and harsh discipline were the significant predictors of older people’s suicidal ideation. Higher score of life satisfaction/self-actualization was related to decreasing older people’s suicidal ideation. Higher scores of harsh discipline by their parents was associated with increasing the level of older people’s suicidal ideation.

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