Annual Reporting Measures

As part of the CAEP accreditation process, every Education Preparation Provider (EPP) must report and prominently display data on its website relating to four Annual Reporting Measures established by CAEP. EPPs may select the data they present as long as data is appropriate to CAEP’s measures. Below are the accountability measures for Missouri Western State University (MWSU) EPP.

Measure 1 (Initial): Completer effectiveness (Component R4.1) 

Data must address: (a) completer impact in contributing to P-12 student-learning growth AND (b) completer effectiveness in applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

Impact on P-12 Student-learning Growth

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) gathers data annually on all first-year teachers in the state of Missouri, disaggregated by program. The survey is completed by principals of first-year teachers. The survey contains a question asking principals to rate first-year teachers’ impact upon students. The following document displays data pertaining to first-year teachers who completed an Education program at MWSU.

Measure 1a – Impact on P-12 students (Principals of First Year Teachers Survey)

Indicators of Teaching Effectiveness

DESE has established a statewide Standards-Based Performance Assessment, aligned with the Missouri Teacher Standards, that is used to demonstrate candidate performance in content, coursework, and field experiences during the candidates’ internship(s). The Performance Assessment is used as an indicator on DESE’s Annual Performance Report (APR) which determines initial certification and accreditation of Education programs in the state. This performance assessment is used to evaluate teacher candidates during student teaching. Both the K-12 site-based cooperating teachers and the MWSU EPP-based university supervisors complete the evaluation at multiple time-points. The results included here are summative results from the end of student teaching.

Measure 1b – Teaching Effectiveness (MEES Performance Assessment)
MEES Pedagogy & Disposition Performance Rubric

Measure 2 (Initial): Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement. (R4.2|R5.3| RA4.1)

Data provided should be collected on employers’ satisfaction with program completers.

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) gathers data annually on all first-year teachers in the state of Missouri, disaggregated by program. The survey is completed by principals of first-year teachers. The survey contains a question asking principals to rate the overall quality of the EPP that first-year teachers’ completed. The following document displays data pertaining to first-year teachers who completed an Education program at MWSU.

Measure 2 – Overall Employer Satisfaction

The EPP invites stakeholder input through various means. In addition to site-based input on the MEES Performance Assessment, as described above, the EPP has a Teacher Education Advisory Board (TEAB) that meets three times a year. Members of TEAB include representatives from P-12 districts and schools in which candidates are placed for clinical experiences, and in which completers are hired.

TEAB Fall 2021 Agenda
TEAB Winter 2022 Agenda
TEAB Spring 2022 Agenda
TEAB Fall 2023 Agenda
TEAB Spring 2023 Agenda

Measure 3 (Initial): Candidate competency at completion. (R3.3)

Data provided should relate to measures the EPP is using to determine if candidates are meeting program expectations and ready to be recommended for licensure. (E.g.: EPP’s Title II report, data that reflect the ability of EPP candidates to meet licensing and state requirements or other measures the EPP uses to determine candidate competency at completion.)

Evidence of Candidate Competency at Completion

DESE has established a statewide Standards-Based Performance Assessment, aligned with the Missouri Teacher Standards, the MEES, that is used to demonstrate candidate performance in content, coursework, and field experiences during the candidates’ internship(s). The Performance Assessment is used as an indicator on DESE’s Annual Performance Report (APR) which determines initial certification and accreditation of Education programs in the state. This performance assessment is used to evaluate teacher candidates during student teaching. Both the K-12 site-based cooperating teachers and the MWSU EPP-based university supervisors complete the evaluation at multiple time-points. The results included here are summative results from the end of student teaching. Candidates must also pass a standardized content area assessment (Missouri Content Assessment – MoCA) in their area of certification.

Measure 3a – Candidate Competency (MEES Performance Assessment)
MEES Pedagogy & Disposition Performance Rubric

Measure 3b – Candidate Competency (Missouri Content Assessment Pass Rates)

Ability of Completers to Meet Licensing Requirements

The MWSU EPP reports the number of teacher candidates admitted into Teacher Education initial certification programs and the program completers. MWSU’s program is designed to ensure that 100% of MWSU completers meet all state requirements for certification as a recommendation for certification is required for program completion.

Measure 3c – Initial Program Licensure

Measure 4 (Initial): Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared.

The MWSU EPP collects self-reported data to determine the rate at which certified Initial program completers are employed in teaching or other positions after program completion.

Measure 4a – Completers Employed in Education or Full-time Graduate School