2024 Esports Camp Summary

Esports is a new culture in our lives these days, especially for the MZ Generation (Millennial/Gen Z Generations). Parents do not push their children to play Esports, allowing them to naturally develop the motivation and passion through playing with their peers.

Key reasons why people play Esports:

  • Esports is a valuable getaway for human beings from their daily life, whether it be work or school. Having time to yourself is valuable to recharge yourself emotionally and physically.
  • Esports is a way to gain social capital and develop friendships. Esports are generally team-based games, which require communication, patience, and leadership skills.
  • Esports increases your self-dedication. By default, Esports requires players to set goals and overcome missions without pressure or fear of real life consequences, due to it being within virtual reality.
With his previous experience, Dr. Daewon Yoon designed this camp uniquely with specific learning sessions besides video gaming time for kids to increase all the key beneficial factors mentioned above. The following sessions were learning sessions for the Esports camp:
  1. Fundamentals of Unreal Engine for Game Production
  2. Streaming Techniques
  3. Canva
  4. Self-Defense (To allow the kids to experience learning it in real life, versus how it was in virtual reality)
  5. Leadership Skill Development
For Esports tournament aspects, with the dedication of Coach Riley Boyd, they provided the kids with a tournament to increase their competition experience.
  1. Rocket League
  2. Smash Bros
  3. Fortnite
  4. Valorant
At the end of the experience, the campers were rewarded with a certificate.

2024 Esports Camp Gallery