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To be considered for 2025-26 Missouri Western Competitive Scholarships, ALL students should complete the General Scholarship Application requirements no later than April 1, 2025. Additional applications are required for scholarships offered by the Graduate School and Music.

Graduate and undergraduate students who complete the General Scholarship Application requirements by the deadline will be considered for over 250 scholarships offered by the Missouri Western State University Foundation.

NOTE: Unless indicated in the scholarship description, posted scholarships are intended for undergraduate students and require full-time enrollment.

Apply for Scholarships

Information for Scholarship Recipients

Equal Opportunity

The selection of Missouri Western scholarship recipients will follow a policy of nondiscrimination in regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, pregnancy or parental status, national origin, veteran status, genetic information, disability, and all other legally protected classes.

Search MWSU Scholarships

Black & Gold A+ Scholarship
High school students with an A+ stamped transcript will receive a scholarship of $750 per academic year. Like the Black & Gold Scholarship, the A+ Scholarship is renewal up to 4 years. More Information here.

Black & Gold Scholarships (Automatic)
The Black & Gold Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship that renews each year!  It is available for new incoming students. For More Information here.

Black & Gold Transfer Scholarship (Automatic)
The Black & Gold Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship that renews each year!  It is available for transfer students. More Information

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
This $500 scholarship is awarded to full-time students who are transferring to Missouri Western from a two-year college and are members of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Eligible students must have earned no more than 90 credit hours and have a cumulative GPA of 3.5. This award is non-renewable.
Application Deadline:  Priority Feb. 1
Application Procedures: Upload verification of Phi Theta Kappa Membership to the Office of Financial Aid on Goldlink.

Griffon Rate
Undergraduate students who are US citizens from Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming may qualify for admission to Missouri Western State University under the Griffon Rate and be eligible to pay the equivalent of in-state tuition. In accordance with the University housing policy, entering first-year students, as classified by the Office of Admissions, must reside in university-operated residence halls for their first two semesters to receive the Griffon Rate Waiver beginning fall of 2024.  More Information.

Midwest Student Exchange (Partial Out-Of-State Tuition Waiver)
This program was established by the Midwestern Higher Education Commission to increase interstate educational opportunities for students of its member states. The program allows residents of Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio and Wisconsin to enroll in specific designated programs at reduced tuition rates. Through MSEP, Missouri Western will charge eligible undergraduate students no more than 150% of the in-state, on-campus tuition rate for specific programs. To qualify for the program: First-time freshman must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.0 for all high school coursework; transfer students must have earned a 3.0 GPA for all college level coursework. Recipients must maintain a 2.0 GPA for renewal. This award may not be combined with the Griffon Rate Waiver.
Application Procedures: Awarded automatically to qualified students

Note: Out-of-State Scholarships and Waivers only apply toward undergraduate level coursework.

Graduate Assistantship
Assistantships are available on a competitive basis for students enrolled in Missouri Western’s Graduate program.
Application Deadline: Priority Feb. 1
Application Procedures: Contact the Graduate Office for application procedures

Jane and Lyman Frick English Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Jane and Lyman Frick. Dr. Jane Frick was a Professor at Missouri Western State University for many years. Must be a graduate student enrolled in the Master of Arts in Teaching program with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Demonstrated financial need shall be the determining factor among qualified candidates.
Application Deadline: Feb. 1
Application Procedures: Complete the General Scholarship Application

Logan Graduate Scholarship
The Logan Graduate Scholarship is available to those students that have been admitted into Missouri Western’s Graduate program at time of application. Applicant must participate in campus or community activities and must demonstrate need for additional funds for graduate work.
Application Deadline: Priority March 15, Final Deadline July 15
Application Procedures: Apply here

Thomas Farthing Graduate Scholarship
The Thomas Farthing Graduate Scholarship is a merit-based graduate scholarship available to those students admitted into Missouri Western’s Graduate program.
Application Deadline: Priority March 15, Final Deadline July 15
Application Procedures: Apply here

Black and Gold Global Scholarship (Automatic)
The Black & Gold Global Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship that renews each year! It is available for new international undergraduate freshman students.

The Black & Gold Global Scholarship is different from other scholarships. It starts with an initial award ranging from $300 to $4,000 that automatically each year as long as you remain enrolled full-time, meet the hours completed requirement and are in good academic standing (2.0 GPA). 

How it works: Awards are decided on the basis of your GPA as calculated by our international admissions team. Because Missouri Western recognizes that U.S. standardized testing is not equally available in all parts of the world, there is no SAT or ACT required for the Black & Gold Global Scholarship (or admission).

There is no extra application for the BGGS. All awards will be made with your acceptance letter.

Access Missouri Program 
Access Missouri is a need-based program designed to provide students with a simplified financial aid process, provide predictable, portable awards and increase access to a student’s school of choice. Eligibility is determined by the student’s expected family contribution (EFC) as calculated through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). To be eligible, students must complete the FAFSA by February 1 each year, be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident and also a Missouri resident, have an EFC (Expected Family Contribution) less than $12,000, be enrolled full-time (12 hours) as an undergraduate student, maintain a 2.50 GPA, maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress and not have exceeded 150 attempted credit hours. Awards range from $1,000 to $2,150 per year and are subject to the availability of state funding.
Application Procedures: Must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit any additional requested documents to the Office of Financial Aid no later than Feb. 1 each year.
Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid or online at here

Advanced Placement Incentive Grant
This is a nonrenewable grant designed to encourage high school students to take and score well on Advanced Placement tests in mathematics and science.
To be eligible for the grant you must meet the following requirements:

  • Achieve two grades of three or higher on Advanced Placement exams in the fields of math and/or science while attending a Missouri public high school. Qualifying Advance Placement exams in the fields of math or science include Biology, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics B, Physics C and Statistics.
  • Receive an award under the Access Missouri Student Financial Assistance Program or the A+ Scholarship Program in the academic year in which the Advanced Placement Incentive Grant is awarded. Students who are eligible for the Access Missouri or A+ Scholarship programs but have a calculated award amount of zero are eligible for the Advanced Placement Incentive Grant.
  • Submit a complete application for the Advanced Placement Incentive Grant.

Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid, (816) 271-4361 or online at here

Division of Family Services/Rehabilitation Services for the Blind              
Rehabilitation Services for the Blind (RSB) provides services to people with varying degrees of visual impairment, ranging from those who cannot read regular print to those who are totally blind.  These services are provided on the premise that with adequate preparation and reasonable accommodation, each blind or visually impaired person will be able to achieve his or her maximum potential in the home and community, in educational settings, and in employment.
Contact Information:

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation     
Eligible individuals are provided with services needed to enter, remain in, or return to suitable employment. Services include diagnosis and evaluation,; counseling and guidance; physical or mental restoration; training, including college or university, technical or trade; job development and job placement; rehabilitation engineering; and follow-up services to ensure that the rehabilitated person is performing satisfactorily on the job.
Contact Information: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (816) 387-2280 or online at here

Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant
The Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant is a financial aid program to provide adults with the education and skills needs to enter high-demand fields. The grant is designed to ensure, when combined with other governmental financial aid, that your tuition and fees are fully covered. Grant recipients must report their employment and residency to the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development for three years.
Contact Information: Missouri Department of Higher Education at

Kids’ Chance Scholarship Program
The Kids’ Chance Scholarship is a program for students with a parent who was seriously injured or killed in a work-related accident compensable under Worker’s Compensation.
Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid (816) 271-4361, or online at here

Marguerite Ross Barnett Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established for students who are employed while attending school part time. To be eligible for this program, the student must be enrolled part-time (6-11 credit hours), be employed and compensated for at least twenty (20) or more hours per week, maintain a 2.50 GPA, be making satisfactory academic progress and have financial need.
Application Procedures:  Must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit any additional requested documents to the Office of Financial Aid no later than April 1 each year. Must also complete the State Employment Verification Form.
Deadline: Feb. 1
Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid (816) 271-4361, or online at here

Minority and Underrepresented Environmental Literacy Program 
This is a scholarship designed to assist academically talented minority and underrepresented individuals pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in an environmental course of study.
Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid (816) 271-4361, or online at here

Missouri Higher Education Academic Scholarship Program (Bright Flight)              
This merit-based program encourages top-ranked high school seniors to attend approved Missouri post-secondary schools. To be eligible, you must have earned a composite score on the American College Testing Program (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) in the top 3 percent of all Missouri students taking those tests.  New legislation allows students whose ACT or SAT composite scores are in the top four and five percent of all Missouri students taking those tests to be eligible to receive an award beginning in the fall of 2010 (conditional on sufficient state appropriations). Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA and be making Satisfactory Academic Progress to be eligible for renewal.
Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid (816) 271-4361, or online at here

Missouri National Guard Educational Assistance Program             
Missouri National Guard Educational Assistance Program is a state-sponsored program. The program will pay 50 to 100% of the tuition costs per semester. This covers up to 30 hours per academic year. Applicants must be a member of the Missouri Army or Air National Guard, maintain a 2.5 GPA and not have completed a Baccalaureate Degree.
Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid (816) 271-4361, or online at here

Missouri Professional and Practical Nurse Loan        
To be eligible, the applicant must be a Missouri resident attending a Missouri institution seeking an education leading to licensure as a practical or professional nurse. Missouri residents are those who lived in this state for more than one year for any purpose other than to attend an educational institution. Must be enrolled or accepted full time (with the exception of doctoral students seeking Ph.D., D.N.P. or Ed.D.) and the nursing program must have an 80% pass rate. Pass rates can be obtained from the State Board of Nursing website. If selected to participate, students must maintain a minimum of a 2.5 GPA.
Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid (816) 271-4361, Nursing Department (816) 271-4415, or online at here

Missouri Returning Heroes’ Education Act Waiver
On August 28, 2008, the Missouri Returning Heroes’ Education Act (Senate Bill 830) was enacted into law. This law requires Missouri state institutions to offer a reduced tuition rate ($50 per credit hour) to qualified combat duty veterans.

Program Qualifications:

  • Service in a combat zone as designated by the U.S. Department of Defense between September 11, 2001 and the present;
  • Missouri “home of record” at the time of entry into the military; and
  • Discharge from military service under honorable conditions

Application Procedures:

To determine your eligibility for this program, the following documentation must be submitted to the Missouri Western State University Office of Veterans Affairs (Financial Aid Office, Eder Hall, Room 103):

  • A copy of your most recent DD-214 (Chapters 30, 31 and 1607);
  • A copy of your active duty orders (Chapter 1607); and
  • A copy of your Missouri Driver’s license or other proof of U.S. Citizenship.

Renewal Requirement

To remain eligible for this waiver, you must maintain an overall GPA of 2.50 or higher. This requirement will be reviewed in May each year in accordance with current Financial Aid Policy.

Cost of Attendance Budget Limitation

Under the Heroes’ Act, eligible veterans will not receive more than the actual cost of attendance when the limitation is combined with other aid made available to such a veteran.

Missouri Savings for Tuition (MO$T) Program   
With the MO$T Program you are able to save for future higher education costs and save on taxes, too. Open a MO$T account under the Program on behalf of a designated beneficiary. The amount contributed each year can be deducted from your Missouri state taxable income (up to a maximum of $8,000 per taxpayer per year). The investment earnings on the money you contribute to the account will be able to build on both a federal and state tax-free basis. Then, when your beneficiary is ready to go to school, withdrawals from your account to pay for qualified higher education expenses at eligible schools in Missouri or anywhere in the country will be federal and state tax-free.
Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid (816) 271-4361, or online at here

Public Service Officer Survivor Grant      
The Public Service Survivor Grant is a tuition grant for eligible Missouri residents who are dependent children or spouses of a public safety officer or Department of Transportation employee who was killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty.
Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid (816) 271-4361, or online at here

Wartime Veteran’s Survivors Grant
These grants are available annually to children and spouses of Veterans whose deaths or injuries were: a result of combat action or were attributed to an illness that was contracted while serving in combat action, or who became 80% disabled as a result of injuries or accidents sustained in combat action since September 11, 2001. The total number of veterans that may receive a grant in any year is limited by statute to 25. The veteran must have been a Missouri resident when first entering the military service or at the time of death or injury.
Contact Information: Office of Financial Aid (816) 271-4361, or online at

While Missouri Western is pleased to notify our students of scholarships offered by private donors, we ask that you exercise caution. Many scholarship scams exist. You should thoroughly research each scholarship opportunity BEFORE applying.

Important Nevers:

  • NEVER provide your credit/debit card information.
  • NEVER apply for a scholarship that charges an application fee.
  • NEVER provide your social security number, date of birth or other personally identifiable information.

Don’t become a victim of a scam or identity theft. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Scholarship – Search Opportunities (Scholarship Search Site)
College Resource Network (Scholarship Search Site)
College Board (Scholarship Search Site)
Fastweb (Scholarship Search Site) (Scholarship Search Site)
Salliemae (Scholarship Search Site)
Salliemae (Graduate Scholarship Search Site)
Scholarships Online (Scholarship Search Site)
SoFi (Scholarship Search Tool)
My Scholarship Central

Scholarships – Area High Schools and Organizations
Benton High School (Scholarship Site)
Central High School (Scholarship Site)
Lafayette High School (Scholarship Site)
Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri
MLC Foundation Scholarships

Scholarships – Minority
Gates Millennium Scholars Program
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
NAACP Scholarship Program
United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
Scholarships Online – Minority
College Resources – Hispanic – Minority
PEO Projects – Women Helping Women Reach for the Stars

Scholarships – Students with Disabilities
College and Career Guide for Students with Disabilities
Guide to Online College with a Learning Disability
Bankrate – Accessible Guide to Paying for College for Students with Disabilities

Scholarships – STEM Majors
Future Engineers Scholarship Program
Missouri AWWA JR Popalisky Scholarship
PayScale’s Women in STEM Scholarship 
Toptal STEM Scholarships For Women
Women in Technology Opportunity Scholarship

Scholarships – Business & Entrepreneurship
Greenpal Scholarship
Growth Everywhere Scholarship
HigherVisibility Marketing Scholarship 
North American Van Lines Logistics Scholarship

Scholarships – Education
St. Joseph Retired Teachers Scholarship Foundation

Scholarships – General
Abbott & Fenner Scholarship Program
Application Careers Scholarship
B. Davis Scholarship
CGTrader Scholarship
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
Coupon Follow Scholarship
CreditSoup Scholarship
Cyberbulling Prevention for Teens Scholarship
Daughters of the American Revolution
eduCBA College Scholarship
Heartland Foundation Scholarships
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarship
Lendingtree Scholarship
Look Twice Save a Life (Insurance Providers)
MOSLF – Purdy Emerging Leaders Scholarship
National Merit Scholarship Program Scholarship
Quit Smoking Scholarship
Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis (Interest Free Loans)
SoFi $2,500 Monthly Scholarship Giveaway
SuretyBonds Scholarship
Varsity Tutors

Scholarships – Marketing, Journalism & Communication
Higher Visibility Marketing Scholarship

Scholarships – Creative & Performance Arts
Princess Grace Foundation-USA