Dr. Cary Chevalier, Professor
(816) 271-4252 | cchev@missouriwestern.edu
Dr. Cary Chevalier has been at MWSU since 1996. His research interests include vertebrate physiological ecology, evolutionary ecology, conservation biology, wildlife management and ecology, mammalogy, and wildlife diseases.
To be or not to be from a plant’s perspective: survival in and adaptation to adverse environments. The future of plant conservation.
Collaboration with Dr. Cary Chevalier and Dr. Csengele Barta.
Requirements: Interest in molecular biology, biochemistry, plant biology, or ecology-physiology. Concurrent enrollment or prior completion of at least one of the introductory biology or chemistry core courses is a plus (BIO 105 or BIO 106 or CHE 111).
Population dynamics, home range, resting-site selection of Urban Raccoons
This research is a long term study on the home range sizes and configurations of male and female urban raccoons.
It looks at the home range sizes and configurations, the age structure, and the population turnover of male and female urban raccoons in the summer and winter.
Requirements: Students should have completed Bio 105 with C or better, and have an interest in field and lab work, physiological ecology, wildlife management or conservation.
Canada goose nesting populations and nest distribution on MWSU campus
This research is a long term study to determine the population estimates of nesting geese and nest distribution for Canda geese on MWSU campus.
Biological Survey of the John Rushin Teaching and Research Prairie
One of the assets of the biology department at Missouri Western is the campus prairie, located just outside the campus. Encompassing 34 acres of unique prairie habitat, this area is a treasure trove for both the campus community, as well as botanists and nature lovers outside the campus. It provides a unique research opportunity. The initial goal of this project starts with the involvement of student researchers performing surveys of the plant communities present in this unique habitat.
Requirements: A grade of C or better in BIO105, BIO 225 preferred.
About Dr. Cary D. Chevalier
Ph.D., Biological Sciences, University of California
M.S., Zoology, Arizona State University
B.S., Biology – Wildlife Management, Arizona University
Contact Dr. Chevalier
Agenstein 232A
4525 Downs Drive
Saint Joseph, MO 64507