The Graduate Council at Missouri Western is responsible for developing and recommending University policy and procedures for graduate study, establishing standards, criteria, and approving graduate curriculum in accordance with existing University policies and, through the Graduate Dean, for advising the administration on matters affecting administration of graduate education. This includes graduate offerings, student policies, and graduate faculty appointment. All policies impacting graduate education must pass acceptance by a majority vote of the Graduate Council.
Meetings of the Graduate Council will occur a minimum of twice per semester and additional times as called upon by the Graduate Council Chair. The Graduate Council shall establish bylaws for conducting its business in consultation with appropriate governance bodies and the Graduate Dean. The Faculty Senate shall review these bylaws and recommend approval to the Provost or by 20 percent of the total graduate faculty. Meetings of the Missouri Western graduate faculty may also be called by the Dean of the Graduate School, the Provost for Academic Affairs or the President of the University. A quorum of the Graduate Council is defined as 50 percent of the current voting members. If a quorum is not present, no actions binding on the graduate faculty or graduate students can be taken. The Chair of the Graduate Council has the authority to set the rules for the meetings; however, the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will be used to settle disputes. A two-thirds majority of the Graduate Council can override any rules set by the Graduate Council Chair or call for modifications to standards in Robert’s Rules.
- Voting members: one graduate faculty member per academic department offering graduate courses/graduate degree. The Provost may also appoint up to three at-large, non-administrative faculty members. Graduate Council members shall be elected by their respective departments, recommended by the department chair, and approved by the appropriate Academic Dean and Provost. Voting members will have a three-year term. A graduate faculty member may serve two consecutive terms, then must be off the Graduate Council for at least one full three-year term.
- The Graduate Council shall elect from among its voting members, a chair and a vice chair to each serve a two-year term.
- Non-voting members: Academic Deans (College of Business and Professional Studies, College of Liberal Arts, College of Science and Health), and one Faculty Senate liaison.
- The Graduate Dean shall be Executive Secretary, non-voting, with responsibility in consultation with the Council Chair for scheduling meetings, drafting and distributing agenda and minutes, and providing documents and background information to the Graduate Council necessary for it to fulfill its charge.
- One student, elected by the Graduate Student Association membership, will serve without a vote. The Graduate Student Association must have membership with the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students. The student representative will serve a one-year term and can be re-elected indefinitely.
Graduate Council Members
Name | Department |
Monty Smith | Chair | Criminal Justice/Legal Studies |
Grey Endres | Vice Chair | Social Work |
Justin Kraft | Health Professions |
Kipton Smilie | Education |
Jinwen Zhu | Engineering Technology Mgmt. |
Elissa Zorn | Nursing |
Ali Kamali | Director | MBA Graduate Programs |
Tilo Roy | Interim Dean | Graduate School |
Susan Bracciano, Registrar