- The final report – a summary of the project’s
- Research findings
- Interventions outcomes
- The evaluation of project implementation
- Components explicitly outlined in the funded proposal
- Unexpected findings or unusual occurrences that impacted the project or hindered progress.
- Note: if the project provided for academic presentations, journal publications, the leveraging of further funding, or supported student activities.
- All expenses for your grant account must be incurred by the grant ending date. Expenditures incurred outside of the stated award period will not be reimbursed. Spend out or encumber funds before the end of the funding period. While all items ordered must be received by the grant closing date, actual payments for the goods or services may not be made until a later date.
- All reports sent to the funding agency, records must be kept from three to five years, depending on the funding agency. This means that these records must be available to the funding agency if that agency decides to audit the grant.