Online Webinars for 2011 Members Only
Online webinars are scheduled for March 28 and September 11. The webinars are from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and will be followed by an open Q & A session until 11:15 a.m.
- Register Online (GoTo Webinar)! During the registration process, you must select the date you wish to attend and provide all other information requested. If you have difficulty registering for a webinar, send an email to (include your registration information and brief explanation of the problem).
- What if I need to cancel my webinar registration? Follow the instructions at the bottom of your confirmation and/or reminder emails. Once cancelled, you may then register for another webinar. If you need assistance, call MOSERS at (800) 827-1063, option 1 or send an email to
Bookmark the MSEP and MSEP 2000 PreRetirement or the MSEP 2011 PreRetirement page and visit it often. It is your best source of information and provides details about the seminars (dates, locations, etc.) and registration instructions.