Performance evaluations provide students with both positive reinforcement and constructive criticism of their performances. The evaluation is also a valuable tool when preparing letters of recommendation for student employees. Please allow time to review each student’s evaluation with them, providing ample time for additional feedback.
Supervisors should complete performance evaluations for their student’s at least once a year (more if desired) to maintain compliance with University student employment policy (see Student Employment Supervisor’s Manual, Sec. 3.1 Performance Evaluations). Also, student employees must have a current performance evaluation on file in order to receive any pay increase. The evaluation must show the student merits a pay increase (Meets or Exceeds Job Expectations is an overall score of 2 or higher).
Note: A student should never be too surprised when they receive an less than satisfactory performance evaluation. On-campus employment is a learning experience and must be treated as such. If a student is upset, please take a moment to explain areas for improvement, providing examples of how they have not met job expectations (this may be a time to review their original job description, duties, and expectations), then work with them to develop a plan for improvement.
Please fill out the evaluation below for each student. After submitting, you will receive a notification email confirming receipt of the evaluation, along with a copy of the evaluation results. You may want to also print a copy to keep in your student employee’s file. You may choose to email the student a copy of the results or print a copy for their records also. Again, be sure to review the evaluation results with each student employee. The Offices of Human Resources and Student Employment will also each receive notices of completion, along with results.