In Missouri Western’s Centennial year, we want to recognize our amazing alumni. The following is a list of those who have received the Distinguished Alumni Award since the award began in 1983. To be eligible for the award, there must be a time difference of at least 10 years between college graduation and the nomination. The criteria for consideration includes professional achievement and distinction; service to the community, state or nation; humanitarian contribution to society in general; and possession of those qualities that elicit pride from others who attended the same educational institution. Only living alumni are eligible.
Distinguished Alumni Award
Algalee Adams ’39
Darrel Ashlock ’75
Dennis Atkins ’77
Ron Auxier ’73
Karen Baker ’61
Michael Baltezor ’72
Thomas Baumann ’34
John P. Beihl ’57
John A. Birch ’72
Donna Jean Boyer ’64
Jean Paden Brown ’73
Eric Bruder ’93
Charles Bruffy ’81
Charlie Burri ’55
Jerry Chambers ’67
Dirck Clark ’85
Dan Colgan ’66
James F. Conant ’71
Frank D. Connett Jr. ’42
Patrick Conway ’73
Stephen Cotter ’78
Robert Couldry ’71
Jeanne Daffron ’75
Chris Danford ’78
Dan Danford ’78
Richard DeShon ’54
Robert E. Douglas ’37
- Gregory Downing ’76
Jerome Downs ’39
John E. Downs ’35
- Neil Dubach ’48
Richard Durst ’72
Isador Farber ’36
Mary Jane Fields ’47
Deam Hunter Ferris ’32
Frances M. Flanagan ’35
Roderick Fletcher ’48
Joe Friedman ’39
Craig Fuchs ’84
Clarence Garder ’40
Esther George ’80
Helen Gettys ’51
Herschel Goldberg ’31
William H. Gondring ’56
Joseph Gray ’42
Edward Haffey ’62
James R. Hayes ’71
George Hayward ’74
Jeffrey Hillelson ’39
Edward M. Hirsch ’33
Forrest Hoff ’58
Keith Hoskins ’88
Herbert C. Iffert ’35
Matthew James ’78
Jack Jeffers ’82
Linda Judah ’82 & ’94
Weldon Judah ’72
Thomas Kalin ’55
Dan Kampen ’81
Robert W. Keener ’55
Daniel Kellogg ’82
Glenda Kelly ’89
Cheri Kempf ’85
Steven Koenig ’86
Sharon Kosek ’77
Albert Kost ’32
Louise Lacy ’19
Al Landes ’74
Charles Larson ’88
Jacqueline Lewin ’66
Alvin M. Liberman ’36
Milton Litvak ’38
Rebecca Mackoy ’76
Christel E. Marquardt ’70
Michael Mastio ’95
Dale Maudlin ’71
LeRoy Maxwell ’72
Mark McDonald ’73
Wilbur McDonald ’31
William McMurray ’70
Joella Mehrhof ’75
Donald Michel ’40
Jill Miller ’73
Hugh Miner ’40
David H. Morton ’42
John Mullican ’87
Byron Myers ’55
Sean Nash ’91
Thomas Norsworthy ’75
Diane Oliver ’76
Mike Pankau ’84
Mark Pankau ’73
Bertha Ann Parker ’72
Bernie Patterson ’73
Steven Perry ’83
Molly Pierce ’77
Brent Porlier ’82
Tegwin Pulley ’63
Edna Swafford Pumphrey ’32
Pamela Quiroz ’83
Sally Radmacher ’81
Patricia Waris Rashid ’53
Paul Rhoads ’89
Charles K. Richmond ’40
George Roth ’39
Robert Roth ’73
Alexandra E. Santa Cruz ’73
Harry J. Sauer Jr. ’54
Rob Schaaf ’79
Julia Schneider ’67
Thomas Schneider ’64
Dwight Scroggins ’76
Robert L. Simpson ’51
Richard Sipe ’61
Melody Smith ’87
Bill Snyder ’59
Leah Spratt ’21
John S. Stanley ’76
Ernest Steinman ’42
Bob Vecchione ’75
Jeanne Webb ’71
Maude Wickam Nold ’26
Harriet Hutchinson Wingo ’36
Joyce Winston ’73
Nannette Wolford ’73
Mary Claudia Wolters ’82
Blaine Yarrington ’37
William E. Zimmerman ’74
The following have received Honorary Doctorates from Missouri Western since the first one was awarded in 1977:
John Ashcroft
Dr. Michael Baltezor ’72
Kay Barnes
Dr. Kenneth Blanchard
- Dan Boulware
Charles Bruffy ’81
Jean Carnahan
Steven L. Craig
Pat Danner
William True Davis Jr.
John Downs ’35
William F. Enright Jr.
Dr. Joseph Friedman ’39
Steve Gaw
Esther George ‘80
Karen Graves
Sam Graves
Joseph L. Gray ’42
Dr. Thomas S. Haggai
Sidney Johnson
Glenda Kelly ’89
Paul J. Kofmehl
Dr. M.O. Looney
James Mathewson
Dr. Janet McCarthy
Dr. Charles J. McClain
Rebecca McDowell Cook
Mark McDonald ’73
Michael Mills
Jeremiah (Jay) Nixon
Gary Nodler
John Jordan “Buck” O’Neal
- Wesley and Patsy L. ’79 Remington
- Carol Roever
Martin Rucker
Nicholas Saccaro ’01
Charles Shields
Dr. Kala M. Stroup
Stephanie van Reigersberg
Quentin Wilson
Roger Wilson
Shirley Wyeth Bradley