Natalie Redmond ’00

Dear Fellow Alumni,

It is a great honor to serve as the Alumni Association president. A little about me: I am originally from Boonville, Missouri. I loved every minute of my four years at Missouri Western (1996-2000) and still have many close relationships from those days. I now live in St. Joseph with my little boy and work at the St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce. I am very excited to represent all alumni this year and work with the board to make it a great year.

It is a challenging time for all Missouri universities due to budget cuts. Now more than ever we need to do more with less, and we need our alumni to be successful. We need your voice, your time, your stories, your talent and your resources. Please remember your roots, and when asked to consider giving back, we hope you will consider it and help to continue a strong legacy for Missouri Western.

I am excited to continue the great work we have been doing. I would like to continue on Mary Vaughan’s goal from last year and work to get more alumni involved in the University and events planned by the Association. Also, I want to get feedback from our chapters and members to make sure we are offering events that alumni want to participate in and leveraging events already taking place on campus.

Please watch for upcoming events; we have a great year planned. I want to personally invite each of you home for Homecoming the weekend of Oct. 27-28.

This is your Association. Near or far, we want you to feel proud of your time at Missouri Western and a part of the Alumni Association. If you would like to share ideas or give feedback, I can be reached at I look forward to hearing from or seeing you soon.

With Griffon Pride,

Natalie Redmond ‘00
President, Alumni Association