Natalie Redmond ’00

Dear Fellow Alumni,
This is my second letter as President of the Alumni Association, and I am so proud to report on all of the successes from this year’s Homecoming! It was a chilly weekend but warm with Griffon spirit.
Mary Vaughan ’78, last year’s president, set the goal of trying to increase spirit during Homecoming. We started an alumni subcommittee led by the Association’s Vice President Jim Jeffers to work on ideas to get alumni more involved in Homecoming this year. Through the hard work of the Board, Jim, his committee and many others, I am proud to announce some of the results from these efforts.
New for 2017:

  • We added more social media to our announcements this year so alumni near or far could take part, and we did our first Black and Gold Day.
  • We held an Alumni Employee Breakfast for Missouri Western alumni employees
  • We initiated Support a Griffon Business Day
  • We started Legacy Day. This was an online giving day coordinated by the Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD) Network chaired by Emily Baumann ’10. Our goal was to raise $10,000. With the matching gift from the Danford Family Excellence Fund, we raised $10,700 from 90 donors with gifts ranging from $5 to $1,000. We were thrilled with the success of this. Thanks to everyone who donated or supported Legacy Day! What a great legacy we started.
  • We also reformatted the Alumni Awards Banquet, which got rave reviews. We had outstanding award winners again this year with a record crowd at the banquet to celebrate them. Congrats to the award winners!

Additionally, there were the annual events: the parade, Future Griffon breakfast, Arts, Beats and Treats; the tailgate; and the game. Thanks to the board and volunteers, and Missouri Western staff, students and alumni who made the 2017 Homecoming one to remember!
We are certainly off to a great start for the year. However, we would love to get your feedback or involvement in the Alumni Association. Please reach out to me at (816) 261-3610 or


With Griffon Pride,

Natalie Redmond ’00
President, Alumni Association