Dear Friends,
I am truly humbled to serve as the next President of Missouri Western. The trust expressed by the Board of Governors in appointing me is sincerely appreciated. Missouri Western is an outstanding university that plays a critical role in the lives of our students, our faculty, our staff, our graduates and our community.
As I interacted with the Missouri Western family during the interview process and since my appointment in March, I discovered a community committed to the ideals of an affordable public higher education, dedicated student service, quality teaching, applied learning, innovation, creativity and excellence. We have exceptional students, faculty, staff, programs and opportunities here at the University.
Since I began my presidency in July, I have been exploring a number of initiatives in an effort to grow our enrollment and improve student retention. We are looking at changing our current scholarship program, researching new degree programs, and finding ways to better serve our students to help them succeed. We are also working to increase efficiencies on campus. In the coming months, we will share more information with you about our innovative efforts.
This University is a special place where students can plan, dream, interact and excel, and acquire the tools necessary to succeed. At the same time, a university cannot excel without the collective support of many. Working together with you, I am excited about the possibilities and look forward to building upon our solid foundation to reach new heights together.
Matthew J. Wilson