In the first edition of the alumni newsletter in March 1970, it was announced that Missouri Western had formed an Alumni Association, and a board and officers were elected. According to the article, the purpose of the group was to advance the educational interests of Missouri Western and provide opportunities for alumni to stay in touch with their alma mater. At the time, Dr. M.O. Looney, college president, noted that “an active alumni association is an integral part of every college program, providing close relationships with the citizens of many communities who are interested in higher education.” 

The first officers included John Biehl ’57, president; George Fenner ’35, vice president; Marilyn Maxwell ’45, secretary; and Jean Andrews Evans ’37, treasurer. Missouri Western employee Sam Sharp was the executive director and Milton Litvak ’38 drew up the bylaws and articles of incorporation.

Over the years, the Alumni Association has hosted numerous events and activities both on and off campus, including Homecoming activities and football tailgates, and regional chapter and alumni network events. The Association also distributes scholarships to current students, and to incoming freshmen who are children of alumni. For several years, Alumni Board members and volunteers also made calls for the annual fund-raising phonathon. Alumni have also supported fellow Griffons, serving as mentors and helping them connect with prospective employers and networking opportunities.

The annual Commencement breakfast was an important Alumni Association tradition that was held for more than three decades, honoring the graduates and featuring a guest speaker. The first Commencement breakfast was in 1970 and the guest speaker was Elliott “Bub” Spratt. For many years, a Commencement rehearsal immediately followed the breakfast, so there was always a good turnout of graduates at the breakfast, allowing future alums to start connecting with current alums almost immediately .

In October 1983, in conjunction with Homecoming, the Alumni Association held its first awards banquet at the St. Joseph Country Club, and the banquet has been held every year since. Alumni Association Board member Col. John Byrne Logan pioneered the idea for the awards program and served as chair of the first awards committee.

The first Distinguished Alumni Award recipients were Dr. Alvin M. Liberman ’36, president of Haskins Laboratories and professor of linguistics at Yale University; Christel E. Marquardt ’70, a partner in the law firm of Cosgrove, Webb and Oman, Topeka, Kansas; W. Dale Maudlin ’71, president of First Midwest Bancorp, Inc., St. Joseph; David H. Morton ’42, senior partner in the law firm of Morton, Reed and Counts, St. Joseph; and Blaine J. Yarrington ’37, retired vice president of Standard Oil Company of Indiana. The first Distinguished Faculty Award recipient was Francis Kessler, political science professor.

The Herb ’35 and Peggy Iffert Award for Outstanding Service to the University was created in 2007, and the GOLD (Graduate of the Last Decade) Award was added in 2010. The Great Griffon and Student Leadership awards began in 2017.

Since the first awards were given in 1983, 232 have been honored.

What today is known as the Forever Griffons Luncheon began in 1993, when Junior College alumni wanted to hold an event specifically for them. The first event honored 13 Junior College faculty members. The event evolved into an annual Junior College Brunch, and the name was recently changed to the Forever Griffons Luncheon.

In 1995, the Alumni Association helped raise funds to build the Junior College Room on the second floor of the student union. As part of the 25th anniversary celebration of the present-day campus and the four-year institution, the Junior College Room, which featured a mural that was created by Al Kost ’32 was dedicated. Also, as part of the 25th anniversary celebration, the Alumni Association donated funds to improve the reflecting pool in front of Eder Hall. The Association funded two fountains, lights and five benches that were placed around the pool.

In recent years, the Alumni Association hosted Arts, Beats and Treats, a family-friendly event held after the Homecoming parade every year. The Future Griffs at the Chocolate Factory began in 2012, when the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in St. Joseph opened and Future Griffs was formed. The Alumni Association has hosted tailgates at both Royals and Chiefs games as well.

Throughout its history, the group has also hosted trips across the globe. Most recently, in 2019, alumni traveled to Greece. The COVID-19 pandemic canceled the planned 2020 trip to Egypt.

Today, the Alumni Association focuses on student recruitment, retention, advocacy and giving back. Kim Weddle ’00 currently serves as the Executive Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations.

But from its earliest beginnings to now, no matter how much has changed, one thing has remained the same for the Alumni Association – it has always been made up of committed alumni who have served as board members and volunteers to ensure a successful organization and to secure the connections between Missouri Western and its graduates.

Alumni Association Board Presidents


  • John Biehl
  • George Fenner
  • Richard DeShon
  • Dale Maudlin
  • Teresa Klein
  • Donald Keck
  • Ross Woodbury
  • Herbert Iffert
  • James Cooper
  • George Fenner
  • Fred Bell
  • Sidney Naidorf
  • Molly Pierce
  • Douglas Kean
  • Linda Merkling
  • Dan Danford
  • Bruce Windsor
  • Richard Sipe
  • Chad Welch
  • Dan Kellogg
  • Bill McMurray
  • Laurel Goforth
  • Ralph Schank
  • Kristine Smith
  • Jason Horn
  • Greg VerMulm
  • Diane Hook
  • Randy Klein
  • Robert Sigrist
  • Shelby Coxon
  • Dave Slater
  • Angie Springs
  • Mary Vaughan
  • Natalie Redmond
  • Jim Jeffers
  • Tona Williams