“This has been my goal – what I have been working toward throughout my entire college career.  This is an opportunity that is not presented anywhere else.”

Jakob Grimm

Jakob Grimm ’23

Jakob Grimm, a 2023 graduate of the Craig School of Business at Missouri Western State University, was awarded a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory franchise in the latest competition sponsored by Missouri Western’s Center for Franchise Development.   Grimm, from St. Joseph, was one of eight students in a senior-level Applied Business Ownership class this spring. Students in the class prepared business plans, and two finalists presented their plans to a panel of judges that included Steven L. Craig, creator of the franchise competition, Robert Sarlls, CEO of Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, other business leaders and Missouri Western graduates who won franchises in previous years.  “It was a very spirited competition,” Craig said. “I would like to thank everyone who has supported this program for the past 14 years.”