Dear Friends,
    This summer, we will say goodbye and best wishes to a man who, for the past eight years, has embraced Missouri Western as his own alma mater. Dan Nicoson, vice president for university advancement, will retire in June. Dan and his wife, Linda, immersed themselves in the Missouri Western and St. Joseph communities from the start. They could be seen at nearly every athletic event, theatre production, and community function.
     During his tenure, Dan secured the two largest gifts in Missouri Western history, re-engaged numerous alumni with the university, and made us all proud to be Griffons. He and Linda return to their home in Indianapolis where they plan to spend an enormous amount of time with their grandchildren.
     In October, I was privileged to present Dan with an Honorary Alumni Award. He and Linda and their family will always be welcome on campus and at alumni events.
     With Dan’s departure comes a new member to the Western family. Dr. Jonathan Yordy assumes the position of vice president for university advancement shortly before Dan leaves. I served on the search committee as your representative and am impressed with Dr. Yordy’s energy, experience, and enthusiasm. I know that the Alumni Board and I will do what we can to assist him as he moves to St. Joseph. I look forward to introducing him to as many of you as possible.
     Be sure to join us at all our baseball events this summer! Go Griffs!

Randy Klein
President, Alumni Association