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Leading the Way

2019-06-12T10:21:21-05:00May 7th, 2012|Features|

Melissa (Bledsoe) Turner ’11, hadn’t really thought about the ROTC (Reserve Officer  Training Corps) program when she arrived on campus, but a fellow freshman in a military uniform, Nolan Stark, caught her eye and she asked him why he was wearing it. He told her about ROTC. “Then he convinced [...]

Adrienne Collins: The Sound of Music

2019-06-12T10:21:21-05:00May 7th, 2012|Features|

Adrienne Collins admits that as a young girl, her only interest was music and singing, and her mother who homeschooled her had a difficult time keeping her daughter focused on other subjects. That love of singing has continued into her college years, where Adrienne, a music/vocal performance major, [...]