Missouri Western State University announced the names of the 288 students selected to the President’s Honor Roll for the spring semester 2013. Students who carried 12 hours or more for graded credit and earned a grade point average of 4.0 qualify for the honor.

The Missouri Western students selected are:

Agency, Mo.

Joel Henningsen, Ariel Hurst, Jay Scott

Albany, Mo.

Samantha Long

Ardiyah, Kuwait

Yousef Fatehallah

Atchison, Kan.

Carole Filley

Belthalto Ill.

Hannah Huff

Bethany, Mo.

Angela Simbro

     Blue Springs, Mo.

Jared Burns, Breck McPherson, Jody Goers

Bogard, Mo.

Kristine Daugherty

Brisbane, Australia

Nicole Kerr

Buckner, Mo.

Kelly Cochran

Camden Point, Mo.

Benjamin Crumley, Mitchell Giger

Cameron, Mo.

Natalie Beers, Elizabeth Bertram, Tawni Burger, Rebecca Crockett, Kimberly DeSelms, Jessica Hammer, Kelly Jorgensen, Brittany Klever, Ashley Nied, Kelly Notch

Carbondale, Ill.

Katie Walkup

Carl Junction, Mo.

Natalie Bird

Carrollton, Mo.

Alexander Molloy, Andrew Molloy, Thomas Molloy

Chillicothe, Mo.

Shane England, Jillian Littrell

Clarksdale, Mo.

April Buntin

Conception Junction, Mo.  

Derek Bloom

Cosby, Mo.

Lauren Ferguson

Davenport, Iowa.

Alexandria Wilson

Dawn, Mo.

Hannah Sykes, Lauren Upton

 De Kalb, Mo. 

Garrett Skrbina

Eagleville, Mo.

Virginia Perkins

Easton, Mo.

Kelsey Houser, Angelica Lambert

Excelsior Springs, Mo.

Deanna Baxter, Bryce Freeman, Ailie Powers

Fairfax, Mo.

Kallie Schoonover

Falls City, Neb.

Jessica Fisher

Faucett, Mo.

Rachel Phinney

Fillmore, Mo.

Stephen Mohn

Fort Leavenworth, Kan.

Jessica Laplante

Gallatin, Mo.

Eric Robinson, Donald Selby

Gampola, Sri Lanka

Sachith Polpitiya Arachchige

Gladstone, Mo.

Brittany Clark

Gower, Mo.

Andrea Allen, Randol Batts

Hamilton, Mo.

Andrew Bottorff, Matthew Wick

Harrisonville, Mo.

Sarah Gibler

Hartford, Conn.

Jahmalle Martin

Hollister, Mo.

Calvin Wakefield

Holt, Mo.

Ryan Barnett, Lesa Brooks

Ida Grove, Iowa

Samantha Clough

Independence, Mo.

Amy Gronseth

Jamesport, Mo.

Yvonne Bennett

Jefferson City, Mo. 

Matthew Musselman, Erin Sprenger

Kansas City, Mo. 

Ashley Artigas, Kelly Brecht, Erin Cordonier, Kyle Cumberland, Julie Gardner, Angela Kilpatrick, Danae Leeds, Lindsey Markus, Rebecca Miller, Jacqueline Mulhall, Ashley Payton, Cody Phillips, Sammie Ratsaphangthong, Teri Ray-Freeman, Garrick Rochon, Ashley Schultze, Jennifer Skoglund, Ashley Sluder, Richard Stith, Nicholas Tegtmeier, Erin Werner, Mary Wiley

Kearney, Mo.

Emily Anderson, Travis Hart, Shelbie Kirkendoll, Angela Perry

King City, Mo. 

Keaton Ebersold, Kelsey Noe

Lake Waukomis, Mo. 

Jeremy Todd

Lathrop, Mo. 

Nicole Bradley, Megan Fine

Lawson, Mo.

Catina Green, Jonathan Guilkey, Julie Hodson

Leavenworth, Kan.

Samantha Poirier

Lee’s Summit, Mo.

Tyler Riddle, Heather Webb

 Liberty, Mo. 

Stephanie Hass, John Sevier, Amanda Starke

Lincoln Neb.

Sarah Faubel

Marceline, Mo.

Taylor Enyeart

Maysville, Mo. 

Shannon Denny

McFall, Mo. 

Tabatha Peterson

Mound City, Mo. 

Kerri Boyd, Synthia Tunnell

Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Shelby Woods

Nelson, Mo.

Amanda Francis

 Nevada, Mo.

Tyler Gast

New London, Iowa

Leonard Wester

Oak Grove, Mo.

Jacob Teasley

Olathe, Kan.

Adam Bailey, Tara Russell, Kelly Voigts

Omaha, Neb.

Kyle Beavers, Angela Chuda, Brooke Cousino, Victor Neumann, Derek Thompson

Oregon, Mo.

Shantell Hughes

 Osborn, Mo. 

Bethany Deselms, Jayson Erdman, Sonrisa Johnston

Pacific, Mo. 

Malcolm Black, Joni McCoy

Palmyra, Mo.

Samantha Smith

Platte City, Mo.

Melanie Edlin, William Hagenbuch, Kyle Knox, Laura Purcell, Sarah Starr, Kerry Wittrock

Plattsburg, Mo.

Julie Reinhardt

Plattsmouth, Neb.

Kayla Bazer

Pleasant Hill, Mo.

Jamie Haffner

Polo, Mo.

Lacy King, Sarah Thomas

Ravenwood, Mo.

Adriane Luke

Rock Port, Mo.

Hayley Christian

Rosendale, Mo.

Shelby Hughes

Rushville, Mo.

Michael Bowen

St. Joseph, Mo. 

Felicia Allee, Amber Anaya, Rachel Barras. Bethany Barton, Brandy Beanblossom, Lainey Beier, Travis Birkhead, Rebecca Black, Aubrey Bourne, Joseph Bridgman, Stephanie Burr, Steven Bush, David Carlisle, Avery Cary-Wilmes, Nicholas Chapman, Tiffany Chappell, Cole Charboneau, Grace Chester, Amber Chivington, Jennifer Clark, Kelli Cockrell, Davi Conard, Tyler Cordonnier, Benjamin Crane, Briana Dickinson, Jennifer Duncan, Anna Edwards, Rebekka Ellis, Melody Ellsworth, David Freeman, Braxton Fuller, Elizabeth Garrison, Leticia Gerling, Donna Goodman, Cara Green, Elizabeth Green, Noah Green, Joshua Hainey, Kristin Hall, Brittany Hanson, Matthew Helm, Jennifer Hernandez, Ellen Holcomb, Garrett Holtz, Joshua Huffman, Cynthia Isenbarger, Bradley Isom, Brent Isom, Gabrielle Isom, Alex Jackson, Amanda Jackson, Mindy Johnson, Jessica Johnston, Jennifer Kaba, Alexandra Kellogg, Caleb Kennon, Michael Lent, Ashley Lightle, Stefanie Linville, Alex Luke, Kali Maloney. Lucas Mathes, Sara Mathews, Brittany McAndrews, Jessica McCoy, Eric McCrerey, Katherine McKnight, Lisa Melendez, Olivea Mendenhall, Adam Merritt, Edward Miles, Taylor Miller, Ronald Moore, Darien Morrow, Dillon Moser, Ashley Mullins, Paul Newton, Macey Orr, Ashley Owens, Jenifer Palmer, Genesis Parra-Lugo, Dustin Payne, Kaylee Peden, Megan Peppard, James Peregrine, Shanin Poppa, Joshua Ralston, Corey Ricklefs, Lauren Robbins, Matthew Robertson, Morgan Russell, Joel Seelhoff, Jacob Seevers, Bryce Shelkop, Haley Simpson, Douglas Snider, Stacey Southard, John Sowards, Lauren Stewart, Hunter Thomas, Josh Thomas, Chloe Thornton, Joshua Thornton, Amber Thorp, Lucky Tovey, Kathryn Turner, Katie Vessar, Taylor Weed, Anna White, Elizabeth White, Aimee Whitesell, Chase Williams, James Wright, Kimberly Wright

St. Louis, Mo.

Tarah Adams

Savannah, Mo. 

Laura Courtney, Pierce Karguth, Madison Lyon, Kristen Smith

Seoul, Korea

Hanna Chung

Smithville, Mo. 

Brandy Ball, Randa Brown, Lauren Fletcher, Elizabeth Swinford

Stewartsville, Mo.

Melissa Stallbaumer

Tarkio, Mo.

Courtney Martin, Kember Wooten

Trenton, Mo. 

Tasha Ewing, Michael Stewart

Turney, Mo.

Sandra Martin

Ueberlingen, Germany

Natascha Kracheel

Union Star, Mo. 

Alexander Moore

Unionville, Mo.

Christopher Kottwitz, Britni Robbins

West Des Moines, Iowa

Maegan Roemmich

Weston, Mo. 

Stacy Fulk, Patrick Larsen

Winnebago, Ill.

Ian Storck

 Missouri Western State University is a comprehensive regional university providing a blend of traditional liberal arts and professional degree programs. The university offers student-centered, high quality instruction that focuses on experience-based learning, community service, and state-of-the-art technology. Western is located in St. Joseph, Mo., and is committed to the educational, economic, cultural and social development of the region it serves. Visit www.missouriwestern.edu.