Missouri Western State University faculty members will participate in a public forum discussion of the Supreme Court’s decision earlier this year in “Burwell v. Hobby Lobby” at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 17 in the Kemper Recital Hall, Spratt Hall room 101 on the Missouri Western campus. The discussion is free and open to the public.
The forum is titled “One Nation Under God? The Post-Hobby Lobby Landscape.” The forum will explore the nature of the Supreme Court’s decision regarding religious freedom for closely held for-profit corporations. The panel will reflect on how the decision may affect U.S. politics and answer questions from the audience.
Panel participants include Monty Smith, assistant professor of criminal justice; Dr. James Okapal, associate professor of philosophy; and Dr. Edwin Taylor, assistant professor of political science. The event will be moderated by Dr. Melinda Kovács, assistant professor of political science.
For more information, contact Dr. Taylor at etaylor8@missouriwestern.edu.
Missouri Western State University is a comprehensive regional university providing a blend of traditional liberal arts and professional degree programs. The university offers student-centered, high quality instruction that focuses on experience-based learning, community service, and state-of-the-art technology. Missouri Western is located in St. Joseph, Mo., and is committed to the educational, economic, cultural and social development of the region it serves. Visit www.missouriwestern.edu.