Participants in Griffon Edge, Missouri Western’s extended new student orientation program.

As classes start at Missouri Western State University this fall, preliminary enrollment data indicates that about 1,000 incoming freshmen are starting their college career, an increase of 16.2 percent over last year’s number.

“A one-year increase this large is really unprecedented in today’s higher education environment, especially since we were also able to maintain the academic quality of the class,” said Dr. Paul Orscheln, associate vice president for enrollment management and student retention. “The competition for a dwindling high school graduate population is fierce, especially in the state of Missouri, and we are both honored and humbled that so many students have chosen to be Griffons this fall.”

“This remarkable growth in our incoming freshman class is only possible through the hard work of everybody in the Missouri Western family, starting with the faculty, staff and students who make this such a special place,” said Dr. Robert Vartabedian, Missouri Western’s president. “With strong academic programs, continued facility improvements, and a vibrant campus life, it’s an exciting time to be a Griffon. I am extremely grateful to be a part of such an extraordinary team.”

Interest in Missouri Western was at an all-time high for this school year, with the number of freshman applications and admits both up 47 percent over a year ago. In fact, Missouri Western admitted more students this year than applied a year ago. The number of prospective students who visited campus also hit a record.

“Campus visits rose 28 percent this year, and our faculty and staff did an exceptional job of making sure these prospective students and their families had a memorable experience,” said Peggy Payne, director of admissions.

The growth in quantity of incoming freshmen did not come at the expense of academic quality, Dr. Orscheln notes. The average ACT and high school GPA of the Class of 2021 held steady at 21.2 and 3.38 respectively, and there was a 33 percent increase in the number of students with an ACT between 23 and 26.

Locally, there was a 22 percent increase in students from Buchanan County and a 13 percent increase from Andrew County. Other areas with significant increases included Jackson County, 31 percent; Kansas, 85 percent; Nebraska, 50 percent; and Iowa, 19 percent.

As of the first day, the unofficial undergraduate headcount is up 1.1 percent, and undergraduate credit hours are up 2.1 percent. Graduate headcount and credit hours are holding steady. Enrollment numbers will be finalized after the official census date four weeks into the semester.

Missouri Western State University is a comprehensive regional university providing a blend of traditional liberal arts and professional degree programs. The university offers student-centered, high quality instruction that focuses on experience-based learning, community service, and state-of-the-art technology. Missouri Western is located in St. Joseph, Mo., and is committed to the educational, economic, cultural and social development of the region it serves. Visit