Anastasia Harwood, Thomas Forness, Dr. James Carviou, Kenan Bjelevac, Remington Loyd at MediaFest 22
Nov. 14, 2022–Four Missouri Western State University students and their professor presented a workshop at a national conference in Washington, D.C. last month.
Senior convergent journalism and public relations majors Kenan Bjelevac of St. Louis, Missouri; Thomas Forness of Cameron, Missouri; Anastasia Harwood of Jefferson City, Missouri; and Remington Loyd of Savannah, Missouri traveled to MediaFest 2022, the annual fall conference of the College Media Association and Associated Collegiate Press in conjunction with the Society of Professional Journalists.
With Dr. James Carviou, they presented a 50-minute workshop titled “Interviewing 101: How to prepare for and execute clean interviews.” More than 75 people attended the workshop.
During the conference, students also had the opportunity to attend several educational sessions and receive feedback from industry professionals regarding the work they are doing with Griffon Media at Missouri Western.
Missouri Western State University is a student-centered learning community preparing individuals for lives of excellence through applied learning. Missouri Western is located in St. Joseph, Mo., and is committed to the educational, economic, cultural and social development of the region it serves. Visit missouriwestern.edu.