Noted photographers Will and Deni McIntyre will show their work and talk about their careers at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30 in Spratt Hall room 205 on the campus of Missouri Western State University. The presentation is free and open to the public.

The McIntyres’ talk is titled “Don’t Harsh Our Mellow: A 21st Century Life in the Liberal Arts.” It’s the story of how two English majors made a living, made lots of friends, had fun and traveled to nearly 80 countries on six continents, shooting for magazines, corporations and picture agencies.

Will and Deni McIntyre are photographers and filmmakers based in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina not far from Asheville. They have shot major assignments for Credit Suisse, Bass Ale, Varig Brazilian Airlines, Aramco, the German Wine Information Bureau, the Mexican Ministry of Tourism, Glaxo SmithKline, Quintiles Transnational Corp., RJR Nabisco, Vanderbilt University, Duke University Medical Center, Time, Fortune, People, and Ebony magazines. They also make a minor specialty of shooting portraits of musicians and writers for CD covers and book covers.

Their book “All Over the Map: Travel Photographs and the Stories Behind Them” won the Photography Book of the Year award from the Independent Publisher Association. Their latest book is “Three Ranches,” an illustrated history of western life on three large ranches in Wyoming and Colorado. “Three Ranches” recently won a Gold Medal for Best Regional Non -Fiction from the Independent Publisher Association.

Will is a 1976 graduate of Western Carolina University and has received its Alumni Professional Achievement Award. He has served on the board of trustees of the American Society of Media Photographers and was a founder of its North Carolina chapter.

Deni graduated summa cum laude from Wake Forest University in 1980 and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. In addition to her photography, she has written books and articles for national magazines, corporate publications, and websites.

Missouri Western State University is a comprehensive regional university providing a blend of traditional liberal arts and professional degree programs. The university offers student-centered, high quality instruction that focuses on experience-based learning, community service, and state-of-the-art technology. Missouri Western is located in St. Joseph, Mo., and is committed to the educational, economic, cultural and social development of the region it serves. Visit