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College of Business and Professional Studies

Aug 08, 2018

Missouri Western offers STEM activities at Sound of Speed air show


Faculty and staff from Missouri Western State University’s various STEM programs will be on site at the Sound of Speed Airshow Aug. 25 and 26 with experiments and hands-on activities related to science, technology, engineering and math. Exhibits that connect flight and aviation to nature and biology include "The Nature of Flight," which demonstrates wing [...]

Missouri Western offers STEM activities at Sound of Speed air show2019-06-04T16:24:17-05:00
Jul 07, 2018

Missouri Western announces Spring 2018 graduates


Missouri Western State University has announced the names of 427 students who completed their degree requirements during the 2018 spring semester. Graduates include: Agency, Missouri Lucas Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education, Education; Skyler Rose Free, Bachelor of General Studies; Jordan DaKota Shellenberger, Bachelor of Science in Psychology Albuquerque, New Mexico Alyx Danielle Tilley, [...]

Missouri Western announces Spring 2018 graduates2019-06-04T16:23:29-05:00
Jun 06, 2018

Missouri Western alumnus awarded business


Nathan Nold (center) with his parents Shannon and Chad. The Craig School of Business at Missouri Western State University announced that Nathan Nold, who graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree last month, has won a business opportunity through the school’s franchise program. Nold, of Savannah, Missouri, was one of [...]

Missouri Western alumnus awarded business2019-10-14T09:14:58-05:00
May 05, 2018

Sports academies introduce recreational skills to youth


Missouri Western State University’s Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation will offer two opportunities for youth to learn recreational skills that can be used throughout life for fun, health and fitness. The Children’s Lifetime Sports Academy, for children ages 8-12, and the Adventure Sports Academy, for children who have completed grades 6 through 8, [...]

Sports academies introduce recreational skills to youth2020-02-07T08:21:33-06:00
Apr 04, 2018

MWSU honors retirees, award winners


From left: Award recipients Kip Wilson, Judy Chambers, Kathy Kelly, Fumi Matsumoto Cheever, Shelle Browning, Teresa Crist, Julie Jedlicka, Heather Kendall and Nathanael May. Not pictured: Edwin Taylor. Missouri Western State University honored ten award winners at its annual Faculty and Staff Awards and Retirement Reception on Friday, April 27. The University also honored 19 [...]

MWSU honors retirees, award winners2019-06-04T16:23:30-05:00
Apr 04, 2018

Restorative justice talk part of Peace & Conflict Speaker Series April 24


The Peace & Conflict Studies Speaker Series at Missouri Western State University presents "Perspectives on Restorative Justice: Prosecutor, Practitioner and More" at 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 24 in Spratt Hall, room 205. The talk is free and open to the public. Andrea Duloc, an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Criminal Justice, Legal Studies [...]

Restorative justice talk part of Peace & Conflict Speaker Series April 242019-06-04T16:23:31-05:00
Apr 04, 2018

Harris named to lead School of Nursing and Health Professions


Dr. Crystal Harris, associate dean, School of Nursing and Health Professions Dr. Crystal Harris has been named associate dean of the School of Nursing and Health Professions at Missouri Western State University. “The effectiveness of Dr. Harris’ leadership has been apparent for some time,” said Dr. Jeanne Daffron, provost and vice president for [...]

Harris named to lead School of Nursing and Health Professions2019-06-04T16:23:32-05:00
Apr 04, 2018

Dr. Pam Clary receives Governor’s Award


Dr. Pam Clary Dr. Pam Clary is Missouri Western State University’s recipient of the 2018 Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education. Dr. Clary, assistant professor and director of social work, received her award at a luncheon with Lt. Gov. Mike Parson in Jefferson City on April 5. “Dr. Pam Clary has a reputation [...]

Dr. Pam Clary receives Governor’s Award2019-06-04T16:23:32-05:00
Apr 04, 2018

Two exonerated from death row will speak April 11


Two former inmates who were exonerated after spending years on Missouri’s death row will talk at Missouri Western State University on April 11. The talk, “Two Death Row Exonerees: Death is not Justice,” will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 11 in the Kemper Recital Hall, Spratt Hall room 101. A reception will begin [...]

Two exonerated from death row will speak April 112019-06-04T16:23:32-05:00
Apr 04, 2018

St. Joseph startups added to the Sandbox


The Innovation Stockyard announced two new companies to receive funding through its recent partnership with Digital Sandbox KC. “We’re thrilled with the quality and quantity of ideas coming to the Sandbox through our partnership,” said Ronan Molloy, president of the Innovation Stockyard. “In less than a year, we’ve found three high-growth St. Joseph businesses to [...]

St. Joseph startups added to the Sandbox2019-10-19T16:24:15-05:00