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Dec 12, 2022

Bushman Planetarium presents ‘Stars of the Pharaohs’ and ‘Mystery of the Christmas Star’ 


Dec. 14, 2022--The Bushman Planetarium at Missouri Western State University will present three public shows at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Dec. 20, 21, 22 and 23.The planetarium is located inside Agenstein Hall, room 147. Tickets must be reserved by Friday, Dec. 16. “Stars of the Pharaohs,” Dec. 20 and Dec. 21 Travel [...]

Bushman Planetarium presents ‘Stars of the Pharaohs’ and ‘Mystery of the Christmas Star’ 2022-12-15T11:13:15-06:00
Dec 12, 2022

Bushman Planetarium features African wildlife in Dec. 8 public show


Dec. 5, 2022--The Bushman Planetarium at Missouri Western State University will present a public showing of “Africa: The Serengeti” at 7 p.m. Thursday, December 8th. The planetarium is located inside Agenstein Hall, room 147.  “Africa: The Serengeti” chronicles a spectacle that few humans have ever witnessed, the Great Migration, taking viewers on a journey with [...]

Bushman Planetarium features African wildlife in Dec. 8 public show2022-12-05T14:45:58-06:00
Nov 11, 2022

Bushman Planetarium presents ‘Sea Monsters’ Nov. 3


Nov. 2, 2022--The Bushman Planetarium at Missouri Western State University will present a public showing of “Sea Monsters” at 7 p.m. Thursday, November 3. The planetarium is located inside Agenstein Hall, room 147. "Sea Monsters" allows the audience to journey 80 million years back in time to an age when mighty dinosaurs dominated the land [...]

Bushman Planetarium presents ‘Sea Monsters’ Nov. 32022-11-02T16:12:59-05:00
Oct 10, 2022

Planetarium shows ‘Hubble Vision 2,’ ‘Sunstruck’ Oct. 20


Oct. 18, 2022--The Bushman Planetarium at Missouri Western State University will present a public showing of “Hubble Vision 2" and "Sunstruck" at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20th. The planetarium is located inside Agenstein Hall, room 147. Since its launch in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has provided incredible images in unprecedented detail to astronomers and [...]

Planetarium shows ‘Hubble Vision 2,’ ‘Sunstruck’ Oct. 202022-10-18T14:55:08-05:00
Oct 10, 2022

Bushman Planetarium shows ‘Forces of Nature’ Oct. 6


Oct. 4, 2022--The Bushman Planetarium at Missouri Western State University presents a public showing of “Forces of Nature” at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6. The planetarium is located inside Agenstein Hall. “Forces of Nature” allows the audience to come close to nature’s most powerful and extreme forces. Cameras capture large-scale volcanoes, earthquakes and storms as [...]

Bushman Planetarium shows ‘Forces of Nature’ Oct. 62022-10-05T08:47:08-05:00
Dec 12, 2021

Planetarium presents ‘Mystery of the Christmas Star,’ ‘Stars of the Pharaohs’ Dec. 22, 23


Dec. 16, 2021--The Bushman Planetarium at Missouri Western State University will show “Mystery of the Christmas Star” and “Stars of the Pharaohs” at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 22 and Thursday, Dec. 23. Tickets are $5 for adults, $3 for children, students, military and seniors and must be purchased in advance. Call 816-271-4288 or visit  [...]

Planetarium presents ‘Mystery of the Christmas Star,’ ‘Stars of the Pharaohs’ Dec. 22, 232021-12-16T10:01:00-06:00
Jul 07, 2020

Missouri Western’s cybersecurity program adds online option


July 13, 2020--Missouri Western State University’s graduate program in cybersecurity is now offered both online and in person. Applications are currently being accepted for the fall 2020 semester. “Cybersecurity professionals are in high demand, filling a critical need in today’s dynamic technical landscape,” said Yipkei Kwok, program director of the cybersecurity program. “They develop new [...]

Missouri Western’s cybersecurity program adds online option2020-07-13T15:03:06-05:00
Feb 02, 2020

News-Press NOW: Why do we have leap year?


Ever wonder why we have a leap year and why does it only occur once every four years? The trend of a leap year dates back to 45 B.C., when Julius Caesar recognized mistakes on the Roman calendar. At the time they were using the help of the stars to complete dates and years. "The [...]

News-Press NOW: Why do we have leap year?2020-04-16T14:15:20-05:00
Feb 02, 2020

MO-RISE provides STEM networking, employment opportunities


Feb. 28, 2020—Missouri Western State University will host a networking and employment event for STEM professionals and students from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 3 in the Fulkerson Center. MO-RISE, the Missouri Regional Industrial Science and Engineering event, is free. Participants can register at The event will start with a social time at [...]

MO-RISE provides STEM networking, employment opportunities2020-02-28T09:49:03-06:00
Feb 02, 2020

Planetarium shows Feb. 18, March 2


Feb. 12, 2019—The Bushman Planetarium at Missouri Western State University has public shows planned at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18 and at 7 p.m. Monday, March 2. The planetarium presents “Black Holes” on Feb. 18. Narrated by film actor John de Lancie (“Q” in the Star Trek TV series), this immersive digital theater program incorporates [...]

Planetarium shows Feb. 18, March 22020-02-12T14:39:17-06:00