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Financial Planning and Administration

Apr 04, 2019

Darrell Morrison named vice president for financial planning and administration


Darrell Morrison April 26, 2019—Darrell R. Morrison, associate vice chancellor for finance at the University of Arkansas-Little Rock, has been named vice president for financial planning and administration at Missouri Western State University. Morrison will start his new position June 3. “Darrell Morrison’s wealth of experience in managing public university finances and administration [...]

Darrell Morrison named vice president for financial planning and administration2019-06-04T16:24:09-05:00
Jan 01, 2019

Fessler leaving Missouri Western


Dr. Cale Fessler, vice president for financial planning and administration Dr. Cale Fessler, vice president for financial planning and administration, is leaving Missouri Western State University to accept the position of associate vice chancellor of budget and financial planning at the University of Arkansas. His last day will be Friday, Feb. 1. “I [...]

Fessler leaving Missouri Western2019-06-04T16:24:14-05:00
Dec 12, 2018

Missouri Western accepting revenue bids for hay


Missouri Western State University is extending an invitation for formal revenue bids on nine different sections of land for the cutting of hay for the 2019 crop year. Bids must be mailed or delivered in person; they are due by 2 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019. There will be a mandatory pre-bid meeting at 2 [...]

Missouri Western accepting revenue bids for hay2019-06-04T16:24:14-05:00
Oct 10, 2018

Board receives clean audit, approves search firm contract


The Board of Governors at Missouri Western State University accepted an unmodified, or “clean,” opinion of the University’s financial statements from auditors BKD. There were no findings of material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in the audit. “The audit is a team effort involving units all across campus,” said Dr. Cale Fessler, vice president for financial [...]

Board receives clean audit, approves search firm contract2019-06-04T16:24:15-05:00
Sep 09, 2018

Voltmer named MWSU police chief


Jill Voltmer, police chief A St. Joseph native and veteran police officer has been named chief of the Missouri Western State University Police Department. Jill Voltmer has worked for the Missouri Western police since June, 2017. Before that, she spent 24 years in the Patrol and Detective Divisions of the St. Joseph Police [...]

Voltmer named MWSU police chief2019-06-04T16:24:17-05:00
Aug 08, 2018

President Vartabedian plans to retire in July 2019


[rev_slider vartabedian] Dr. Robert A. Vartabedian, president of Missouri Western State University, has announced his plans to retire effective July 1, 2019. David Liechti, chairman of Missouri Western’s Board of Governors, said that Dr. Vartabedian informed the Board of his plans during a closed session yesterday, and he announced his intentions to campus in an [...]

President Vartabedian plans to retire in July 20192019-06-04T16:24:17-05:00
Aug 08, 2018

Board renews employee health insurance, refunds bonds


The Board of Governors at Missouri Western State University renewed employee health insurance coverage with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City. The renewal includes no cost increase for the University, and no plan design changes. “We began working on this renewal shortly after the first of the year, when our utilization trends indicated [...]

Board renews employee health insurance, refunds bonds2019-06-04T16:24:17-05:00
Jul 07, 2018

Board approves budget, strategic plan


The Board of Governors at Missouri Western State University has approved an operating budget of almost $56 million for fiscal year 2018-2019. The budget includes a 2-percent cost-of-living increase for Missouri Western employees and a $900,000 increase in the scholarship budget for students. “Providing a cost of living increase to our employees was a top [...]

Board approves budget, strategic plan2019-06-04T16:23:29-05:00
Apr 04, 2018

MWSU honors retirees, award winners


From left: Award recipients Kip Wilson, Judy Chambers, Kathy Kelly, Fumi Matsumoto Cheever, Shelle Browning, Teresa Crist, Julie Jedlicka, Heather Kendall and Nathanael May. Not pictured: Edwin Taylor. Missouri Western State University honored ten award winners at its annual Faculty and Staff Awards and Retirement Reception on Friday, April 27. The University also honored 19 [...]

MWSU honors retirees, award winners2019-06-04T16:23:30-05:00
Apr 04, 2018

Board approves tuition, room and board for 2018-2019


The Board of Governors at Missouri Western State University approved tuition and room and board rates for the 2018-2019 school year. For undergraduate, in-state students, tuition will rise 1 percent, from $204.14 per credit hour to $206.37. The increase is below the 2.4 percent allowed by state statute. Missouri’s public universities have agreed with state [...]

Board approves tuition, room and board for 2018-20192019-06-04T16:23:31-05:00