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News Release

Apr 04, 2023

Psychology professor elected secretary of national honor society


April 21, 2023--Dr. Teddi Deka, professor of psychology at Missouri Western State University, was recently elected national secretary of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society.  Dr. Deka continues as an advisor to the Missouri Western Lambda chapter of Alpha Chi and as secretary of the Northern Plains region. Dr. Deka has taught in Missouri [...]

Psychology professor elected secretary of national honor society2023-04-21T14:58:30-05:00
Apr 04, 2023

‘What Were You Wearing?’ exhibit raises sexual assault awareness


Part of the "What Were You Wearing?" exhibit at Missouri Western in 2018. April 21, 2023–As part of its ongoing commitment to raise awareness and prevent sexual violence, Missouri Western State University will host the "What Were You Wearing? Survivor Art Installation" for Sexual Assault Awareness Month April 24-27.  The installation features outfits [...]

‘What Were You Wearing?’ exhibit raises sexual assault awareness2023-04-21T12:56:34-05:00
Apr 04, 2023

Art students tour design firm, museum in Kansas City


April 21, 2023--Students in courses on disability and the arts and interactive design at Missouri Western State University recently traveled to Kansas City to learn more about accessibility and industrial design. Students and faculty members took an informational tour at Dimensional Innovations, an industrial design-and-build company in Overland Park, Kansas, and a tour on accessibility [...]

Art students tour design firm, museum in Kansas City2023-04-21T10:08:26-05:00
Apr 04, 2023

Applied Learning Showcase features student performances, research


April 20, 2023--The Griffon Office of Applied Learning (GOAL) at Missouri Western State University presents the annual Griffon Applied Learning Showcase on Friday, April 21. At Missouri Western, applied learning refers to any activity in which students use course content, models, theories and/or skills in real-world or hands-on settings to support career readiness.  The showcase [...]

Applied Learning Showcase features student performances, research2023-04-20T16:18:59-05:00
Apr 04, 2023

Spring Jazz Concert in Potter Hall Theater April 20


April 18, 2023–The jazz program at Missouri Western State University will celebrate Jazz Appreciation Month with the annual Spring Jazz Concert at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20 in the Potter Hall Theater. The concert is free and open to the public. The concert will feature the MWSU Jazz Ensemble, the St. Joseph Christian School Jazz [...]

Spring Jazz Concert in Potter Hall Theater April 202023-04-19T14:27:08-05:00
Apr 04, 2023

Missouri Western hosts annual Percussion Ensemble Festival April 18 


Matt Halligan April 17, 2023--The Department of Music in the School of Fine Arts at Missouri Western State University will host its annual MWSU Percussion Ensemble Festival starting at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, April 18 in the Potter Hall Theater. The festival is free and open to the public. During the festival, high [...]

Missouri Western hosts annual Percussion Ensemble Festival April 18 2023-04-17T12:38:18-05:00
Apr 04, 2023

Bushman Planetarium presents public shows April 18 and April 20 


April 17, 2023--The Bushman Planetarium will present public showings at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18 and Thursday, April 20. The shows will be “Extreme Planets” and “Black Holes” on Tuesday and “We Choose Space" and "Hubble Vision 2” on Thursday. The planetarium is located inside Agenstein Hall, room 147. The Bushman Planetarium features a [...]

Bushman Planetarium presents public shows April 18 and April 20 2023-04-17T12:38:51-05:00
Apr 04, 2023

School of Nursing and Health Professions to host Open House April 19


April 14, 2023--The Missouri Western State University School of Nursing and Health Professions will host a Health Professions Open House for prospective students on Wednesday, April 19.  Participants will be able to meet with Missouri Western faculty and learn more about careers in health, sport and exercise science, nursing, physical therapy assistant, population health management, [...]

School of Nursing and Health Professions to host Open House April 192023-04-14T15:29:58-05:00
Apr 04, 2023

Society for Collegiate Journalists inducts new members, recognizes graduating seniors


April 14, 2023–The Missouri Western State University Society for Collegiate Journalists inducted 17 new members and recognized 13 graduating seniors at a ceremony on April 6. Students inducted include: Darren Doyle, junior from Cosby, Missouri Zoe Dunn, senior from Kansas City, Missouri Andruw Hamilton, freshman from Kansas City, Missouri Natalie Kissinger, junior from Glenvil, Nebraska [...]

Society for Collegiate Journalists inducts new members, recognizes graduating seniors2023-04-14T15:21:54-05:00
Apr 04, 2023

Freshman crowned Apple Blossom Queen 


April 12, 2023--A Missouri Western State University student was recently crowned the 2023 Apple Blossom Queen.  Breanna Hess, freshman convergent journalism and public relations major from St. Joseph, competed against other contestants in the categories of poise, personality and appearance. Her essay topic was "How do small businesses help make St. Joseph the city that [...]

Freshman crowned Apple Blossom Queen 2023-04-14T10:52:11-05:00