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News Release

Dec 12, 2022

Mosaic Life Care becomes exclusive medical provider for Griffon Athletics


Dec. 1, 2022--When Alexander Thompson started as the new head athletic trainer for Missouri Western State University on Monday, Nov. 21, it marked a new era. Thompson is employed by Mosaic Life Care, now the official and exclusive medical provider of primary sports and rehabilitation services for MWSU student-athletes. Under the new arrangement, Mosaic Sports [...]

Mosaic Life Care becomes exclusive medical provider for Griffon Athletics2022-12-01T14:33:45-06:00
Nov 11, 2022

Students present projects during Multidisciplinary Research Day Dec. 2


This psychology poster was part of the Fall 2021 Multidisciplinary Research Day. Nov. 30, 2022--More than 180 Missouri Western State University students will display their work during the Fall 2022 Multidisciplinary Research Day from noon to 1:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2 on the second floor of Blum Student Union. The event is free [...]

Students present projects during Multidisciplinary Research Day Dec. 22022-11-30T15:32:00-06:00
Nov 11, 2022

Psi Chi inducts five


Students Artemii Udovenko, Foster Scheerer, Jordan Klaassen, Stephanie Turner and Star Violett (l-r) were inducted into Psi Chi in November 2022. Nov. 30, 2022--Five Missouri Western State University students were recently inducted into Psi Chi, the international honor society in psychology. Psi Chi is open to psychology majors or minors in the top [...]

Psi Chi inducts five2022-11-30T15:33:27-06:00
Nov 11, 2022

Social work program hosts Human Rights Fair Dec. 1


A social work student discusses his poster during the Human Rights Fair in 2017. Nov. 29, 2022--The social work program at Missouri Western State University will host its annual Human Rights Fair on Thursday, Dec. 1. The event includes a poster session and a keynote speech by social work alum Alex Peters ‘15. [...]

Social work program hosts Human Rights Fair Dec. 12022-11-29T17:01:55-06:00
Nov 11, 2022

Biology professor to lead international scientific society


Dr. Julie Jedlicka (left) with three past AFO presidents at the annual conference in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Nov. 16, 2022--Dr. Julie Jedlicka, associate professor of biology at Missouri Western State University, was elected as president of the The Association of Field Ornithologists (AFO) at the association’s annual conference last month.  AFO is an international [...]

Biology professor to lead international scientific society2022-11-16T09:14:03-06:00
Nov 11, 2022

Fall Jazz Concert Nov. 17


Nov. 15, 2022–The jazz program of the Missouri Western State University School of Fine Arts will present its annual Fall Jazz Concert at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 17 in the Kemper Recital Hall, Spratt Hall room 101. The performance is free and open to the public. The concert will feature a performance by the MWSU [...]

Fall Jazz Concert Nov. 172022-11-15T14:11:07-06:00
Nov 11, 2022

Students, professor present workshop at college media conference


Anastasia Harwood, Thomas Forness, Dr. James Carviou, Kenan Bjelevac, Remington Loyd at MediaFest 22 Nov. 14, 2022--Four Missouri Western State University students and their professor presented a workshop at a national conference in Washington, D.C. last month. Senior convergent journalism and public relations majors Kenan Bjelevac of St. Louis, Missouri; Thomas Forness of [...]

Students, professor present workshop at college media conference2022-11-14T11:00:59-06:00
Nov 11, 2022

Two students earn national journalism honors


Nov. 14, 2022--Two journalism students from Missouri Western State University recently received national awards for videos they created. News Engagement Day TikToks As part of Dr. James Carviou's Journalism 202: Reporting for the Media course, students submit TikToks every year for a national competition on News Engagement Day that is sponsored by Association for Education [...]

Two students earn national journalism honors2022-11-14T11:01:28-06:00
Nov 11, 2022

Small Business Summit at MWSU Nov. 16


Cam F. Awesome Nov. 11, 2022--The St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce will host the annual Small Business Summit in partnership with the Craig School of Business at Missouri Western State University on Wednesday, Nov. 16 in the Fulkerson Center. Register by Monday, Nov. 14 at The cost is $20 and includes lunch. [...]

Small Business Summit at MWSU Nov. 162022-11-11T11:59:22-06:00
Nov 11, 2022

Alchemist Club presents chemistry demonstration Nov. 11


Nov. 9, 2022--The Alchemist Club at Missouri Western State University will present their annual chemistry demonstration show, “It Feels Like Fall,” at 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 11 in Agenstein Hall, room 324. The demonstration is free and open to the public. The show will feature a demonstration-filled skit that follows students through a cold, crisp [...]

Alchemist Club presents chemistry demonstration Nov. 112022-11-09T14:49:43-06:00