Missouri Western to host future Griffons
Feb. 27, 2024-Griffon Experience, an open-house event for potential Griffons, will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 2. This event is free to the public and open to anyone interested in [...]
Board extends President Kennedy’s contract
Feb. 23, 2024--The Board of Governors at Missouri Western State University unanimously approved a three-year contract extension for Dr. Elizabeth Kennedy, Missouri Western’s president. The contract was finalized during the Board’s Feb. 22 meeting. It [...]
Missouri Western to host 16th annual Conference on Applied Learning in Higher Education
Feb. 23, 2024--Missouri Western will host the 16th annual Conference on Applied Learning in Higher Education (CAHLE) on March 7-8, 2024. The Griffon Office of Applied Learning (GOAL) holds this national conference to highlight the [...]
Free MoGEA test preparation workshop
Feb. 23, 2024--The Center for Academic Support is holding a free MoGEA Preparation Workshop for Missouri Western students on March 8 from noon to 4 p.m. in Murphy Hall room 109. The Missouri General Education [...]
Pop Culture Club talks in March
Feb. 23, 2024--Missouri Western’s Pop Culture Club is hosting two talks on campus in March. Both events are free and open to the public. Professor of Philosophy Dr. Jim Okapal will present “Enhancement and Alienation [...]
Biology’s Dr. Roy joins editorial board of botanical society journal
Feb. 23, 2024--Dr. Tilottama Roy, associate professor of biology at Missouri Western, has joined the Applications in Plant Sciences (APPS) editorial board. The APPS is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Botanical Society of America. [...]