This is a list of ALL online courses offered by Missouri Western State University. Not all online courses are offered every semester.

To see what courses are offered for the current terms, please visit the online course schedule at

ACC 201 Introductory Financial Acctg.
ACC 202 Introductory Managerial Acctg.
ACC 418 Accounting Info Systems
ACT 202 Intro to Web Graphics
ACT 301 Applied Database Systems
ACT 302 Decision Support Systems
ALH 106 Medical Terminology
ALH 330 Intro to Epidemiology and Bios
ALH 352 Applied Nutrition
ART 100 Introduction To Art
BIO 101 Principles of Biology
BIO 360 Development of Federal Wildlife Law
BIO 375 Pathophysiology
CHE 104 Fundamentals of Chemistry
COM 104 Oral Communication
COM 205 Intro to Mass Media
COM 314 Persuasion
COM 324 Small Group Communication
COM 342 Intercultural Communication
CSC 200 Computer Systems and Archtres
CSC 201 Microcomputer Applications
ECO 101 Current Issues In The Economy
ECO 260 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 261 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 363 Money and Banking
ECO 367 Urban and Regional Economics
ECO 375 Economics of Health Care
ECO 460 Business And Econ Forecasting
ECO 461 International Trade
ECO 462 History Of Economic Thought
EDU 110/199 Education Orientation Workshop
EDU 225 Educational Psychology
EDU 200/296 Transition Topics in Education
EDU 300/358 Intro to Early Childhood Education
EDU 310 Introduction to Reading
EDU 311 Secondary Reading Techniques
EDU 313/421 Fam, Comm & Sch: Partnering
EDU 314 Trends & Management of Programs
EDU 315 Psychology & Education of Exc. Stu
EDU 316 Org, Dev & Manage Env for EC
EDU 331 Instructional Media
EDU 333 Sci & SS for Young Children
EDU 344 Early Childhood Assessment
EDU 348/414 Language Development for Ed
EDU 351 Mathematics Methods
EDU 355 Teaching Stu with Def in Math
EDU 360 Assessing and Individualizing
EDU 370 Behavior Management
EDU 374 Literacy Development in Early
EDU 386 Career Ed and Transition Sp Ed
EDU 391 Curric Methods & Mat E Ch Ed
EDU 398 Managing EC Environments
EDU 400 Sem in EC and Human Relations
EDU 403 Seminar in Elem. Ed.
EDU 404 Sem. – Ed. & Human Relations
EDU 430 Teaching Stu with Reading Def
EDU 450 Independent Research/Project
EET 212 Introduction to Semiconductor Devices
EGT 205 Computer-Aided Drafting I
EGT 260 Statics
EGT 350 Technical Report Writing
EGT 356 Fluids and Hydraulics
ENG 104 College Writing And Rhetoric
ENG 108 College Writing And Research
ENG 210 Approaches To Literature
ENG 232 Language Awareness
ETC 200 Intro to Tech Communication
ETC 408 Technical Editing
FIN 210 Personal Finance
FIN 301 Financial Management
GBA 210 Business Statistics I
GBA 211 Business Law I
GBA 220 Business Communication
GBA 310 Business Statistics II
GEO 100 World Geography
HIT 132 Pharmacology
HIF 200 Health Care Delivery Systems
HIF 275 Coding & Classification Sys I
HIF 276 Coding & Class Systems I Lab
HIT 277 Coding & Class Systems II
HIT 278 Coding & Class Systems II Lab
HIT 279 Reimbursement Systems
HIT 300 Health Data Management
HIF 310 Clinical Class Sys
HIF 320 Information Technology and Sys
HIF 330 Legal and Ethical
HIF 350 Quality Management
HIF 371 Professional Management
HIF 379 Revenue Cycle
HIF 410 Human Resources
HIF 420 Clinical Data Management
HIF 430 Applied Health Informatics
HIF 440 Financial and Resource
HIF 460 Applied Research
HIF 465 Professional Management II
HIF 470 Health Informatics Senior Semi
HIS 140 American History to 1865
HIS 150 American History Since 1865
HIS 200 Ancient and Medieval Civilization
HIS 210 Early Modern Civilization
HIS 230 Modern Europe: 1789 to the Present
HUM 203 Hum: Ancient and Medieval
HUM 204 Humanities: Middle Ages to the French Revolution
HUM 205 Hum: American Revolution-Present
JOU 104 Intro to Digital Photography
JOU 202 Reporting for Media
LAT 101 Introduction to Law
LAT 115 Paralegal Studies
LAT 250 Legal Computer Applications
LAT 335 Introduction to Mediation
LAT 360 Probate Law
LAT 370 Domestic Relations
LAT 420 Civil Rights Law
LAT 430 Conflict Management
LAW 100 Intro to Criminal Justice
LAW 110 Juvenile Delinquency
LAW 130 Modern Police Procedures
LAW 190 Criminal Investigation
LAW 200 Penology and Corrections
LAW 210/305 Introduction to Theories of Crime
LAW 255/325 Understanding Research in CJ
LAW 260 Criminal Law
LAW 270 Probation and Parole
LAW 290 Practicum I
LAW 300 CJ Communications
LAW 315 CJ Concepts and Issues
LAW 365 Practicum I
LAW 392 Sel Topics: Victimology
LAW 405 Research Methods
LAW 410 Intermediate Criminal Law
LAW 420 Senior Research/Quantitative Analysis
LAW 440 Juvenile Law and Procedures
LAW 460 Administration & Planning
LAW 465 Internship
LAW 470 Senior Seminar
LAW 492 Adv Select CJ: Profiling
LAW 498 Spc topics being converted to new course
MAT 081 Foundations/Univ. Math I
MAT 082 Foundations/Univ. Math II
MAT 083 Foundations/Univ. Math III
MAT 110 Contemporary Mathematics
MAT 110E Contemporary Mathematics
MAT 111/132 Elementary Statistics
MAT 112 Finite Mathematics
MAT 116 College Algebra
MAT 119 Trigonometry
MGT 341 Human Resources Management
MGT 350 Organizational Behavior
MGT 360 Org Theory, Design, Change Mgt
MGT 416 Production and Operations Mgt
MGT 418 Management Information Systems
MGT 419 Strategic Managemetn
MGT 425 International Management
MKT 301 Principles Of Marketing
MKT 451 International Mkt. and Trade
MUS 101 Perspectives In Music
NUR 314 Quant Analysis Heal Care Resear
NUR 384 Bridge to Bacc. Nursing
NUR 385 Health Promotion/Assessment
NUR 395 Nursing Research in Practice
NUR 453 Health Alterations: Community
NUR 459 Research Application
NUR 474 Nursing Leadership & Mgt.
NUR 479 RN-BSN Capstone Clinical
NUR 492 Selected Topics In Nursing
PED 101 Fitness And Wellness
PED 198/192 Independent Physical Activity
PED 294 Drug Education
PED 296 Transition Topics in Phys Ed
PED 297 Transition Topics in Phys Ed II
PED 303 Kinesiology
PED 304 Physiology of Exercise
PED 352 Fitness and Sports Nutrition
PED 374 Psychology Of Sport
PED 375 Socio Aspects of Sport Phys Act
PED 380 Rhythms and Creative Movement for Elementary School
PED 388 Community Health
PED 391 Personal & Environmental Hlth.
PED 392 Child Growth and Motor Dev
PHL 210 Introduction to Philosophy
PHL 230 Ethics
PHY 104 Introduction to Astronomy
PHY 107 Intro to Physics
PHY 110 College Physics I
PSC 101 American National Government
PSC 110 American State & Local Gov.
PSC 111 Understanding the MO Constitution
PSC 199 Sel Top: Missouri Constitution
PSY 101 General Psychology
PSY 140 Psyc Devel for Educators
PSY 200 Intermediate Psychology
PSY 240 Life-Span Developmental
PSY 290 Intro to Forensic Psych
PSY 300 Introductory Psy Statistics
PSY 309 Abnormal Psychology
PSY 310 Industrial/Organizational Psy
PSY 319 Child/Adolescent Psychology
PSY 335 Learning
PSY 355 Sensation & Perception
PSY 365 Social Psychology
PSY 430 History & Systems In Psych
PSY 490 Senior Seminar
PSY 496 Psychology of Addiction
PTA 100 Intro to Physical Therapy
RSM 300 Philos & Ldership In Rec. Adm.
RSM 325 Recreation Law For The Practit
RSM 342 Resorts,parks,recr Area Facil
RSM 343 Promotion Sprt & Rec Agencies
RSM 344 Adv.Travel & Tourism Develop.
RSM 424 Org. & Adm. / Leisure Agencies
SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 120 General Anthropology
SOC 200 Introduction To Archaeology
SOC 230 Social Problems
SOC 310 Deviant Behavior
SOC 325 World of Islam
SOC 360 Sociology of Health & Illness
SOC 400 Racial And Ethnic Relations
SOC 430 Criminology
SOC 440 Sociological Theory
SOC 465 Advanced Research Project
SPA 100 Elementary Spanish I
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish II
SWK 250 Introduction to Social Work
SWK 260 Intro to Aging Studies
SWK 270 Selected Topics In Social Work
SWK 280 Mental Health & Social Work
SWK 320 Phil/Policy In Soc Services I
SWK 325 Family and Child Welfare
SWK 340 Human Behav & Social Enviro II
SWK 345 Substance Abuse and Dep
SWK 365 Death & Dying
SWK 420 Phil/Policy in Social Services II
SWK 425 Bridge to Practicum
SWK 465 Advanced Research Project
SWK 325 Selected Topics in Social Work
THR 113 Introduction To Theatre
TSL 459 Policy, Curriculum and Instruction for ELLs
TSL 467 Second Language Acquisition
TSL 468 Methods Tch Sec Lang Stu
TSL 469 Materials Assessment TESOL
UNV 101 Freshman Seminar
UNV 198 The University Experience
ACC 633 Foundations of Finance and Accounting
ADM 630 Convergent Media Law
AIM/ADM 510 Research & Development
ECO 507/607 Managerial Economics
EDU 502 Prof Learning Community
EDU 510 Policy Decisions
EDU 521 Tching St with Reading Def
EDU 530/609 Educ Research Formation
EDU 540 Current Barriers to Learning
EDU 571/650 Fundamentals of ASD
EDU 572 Assistive Tech & Aug Comm
EDU 573 Transitions & Careers
EDU 574 Families and School Inclusion
EDU 599 Education Orientation Workshop
EDU 611 Literat Review & Case Study
EDU/ENG 612 Seminar Professional Writing
EDU 615 Data Informed Analysis & Dec
EDU 630 Improving Outcomes: Document
EDU 651 Ass. & Ping for St. with ASD
EDU 652 Class Prog for Stud with ASD
EDU 653 Beh Int for Students with ASD
EDU 654 Tchg. Com. & Soc. Skills
EDU 655 Int. Erly Int. St. w/ ASD
EDU 675 Assessment and the Identification Process
EDU 676 Behavioral Interventions
EDU 677 Advanced Methods, Differentiation, and Instruction
EDU 678 Master Educator Exper. I
ENG 501 Topics in Teaching Writing
ENG 502 Prof Learning Community
ENG 540 Writing for Management
EPR 620 Proposal and Grant Writing
ETC 508 Technical Editing
ETC 524 Writing for Digital Environments
ETC 600 Tech Comm Theory and Practice
LAW 500 Basic Frensic Pathology
LAW 505 Research Methods in CJ
LAW 520 Quantitative Analysis
LAW 560 Admin., Planning, & Ethics
LAW 598 Profiling & Behav Analysis
LAW 600 Criminal Law and Evidence
LAW 615 Forensic Photography
LAW 635 Internet Commerce Fraud
LAW 640 Computer Forensics
LAW 670 Graduate Internship
LAW 680 Research and Publication
LAW 695 Forensic Capstone
LAW 697 Cyber Crime Investigations
MGT 604 Organizational Behavior Management
MGT 613 Leadership
MGT 633 Contemporary Issues in Management
MGT 695 Applied Strategic Management
MIM 643 Supply Chain & Customer Relations
MKT 633 Applied Strategic Marketing
NUR 505 Nursing Seminar I
NUR 506 HealthCare Policy, Org, & Fin
NUR 604 Nursing Seminar I
NUR 606 Informatics for Decision Supp
PSY 596 Psychology of Addiction
TSL 559 Policy, Curriculum, and Instruction for ELLs
TSL 660/560 Methods of Teaching Second Language Students
TSL 661/561 Second Language Acquisition
TSL 662/562 Materials Assessment TESOL
TSL 632 Introduction to Linguistics
TSL 664 Language and Culture
TSL 696 Graduate Special Topics