Caleb Keling, a 2024 Craig School of Business at Missouri Western State University graduate, was awarded an Auntie Anne’s franchise in the Spring 2024 competition sponsored by Missouri Western’s Center for Franchise Development. Keling, from St. Joseph, was a student in a senior-level Applied Business Ownership class this past spring. Students in the class prepared business plans, and Keling presented his plan to a panel of judges including Steven L. Craig, creator of the franchise competition, other business leaders and Missouri Western graduates who won franchises in previous years.

Caleb Keling, new business owner

The Applied Business Ownership class is a senior-level course offered in the Spring and open to Business and Entrepreneurship majors, minors, and alumni. The franchise awarded to Keling is the 35th store to be awarded through the program founded in 2009. Caleb transitioned into ownership on August 13, 2024, at his store’s new location in  Dubuque, Iowa.