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Nov 11, 2022

    Dr. Tilo Roy Edits International Newsletter


    The latest issue of an international newsletter marks the first for a Missouri Western biology professor as editor-in-chief, and includes a cover photo by a Missouri Western student. See the news release for more information or to view the newsletter.

    Dr. Tilo Roy Edits International Newsletter2022-11-02T13:49:36-05:00
    Jun 06, 2022

      Dr. Cary D. Chevalier Recognized as Advisor of the Year


      Dr. Cary D. Chevalier has been recognized by The Wildlife Society (TWS), the international professional society for wildlife science, management, and conservation, as the International Student Chapter Advisor of the Year for 2021. This is a very prestigious award and an international recognition. There are approximately 140 student chapters of TWS in the [...]

      Dr. Cary D. Chevalier Recognized as Advisor of the Year2022-06-30T09:50:38-05:00
      Jun 06, 2022

        Barta Collaborates with International Plant Scientists


        Dr. Csengele Barta’s manuscript entitled “Plant growth-promoting Rhizobacteria: biotechnological tools to improve cereal yields”, written by Dr. Barta and Dr. Gyongyi Szekely, a faculty member in the Department of Biology and Geology at the Babes-Bolyai University of Science in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Dr. Barta’s Alma Mater, as part of an international research collaboration effort, [...]

        Barta Collaborates with International Plant Scientists2022-06-30T09:51:09-05:00
        Jun 06, 2022

          Barta Honored by Plant Biologists


          Dr. Csengele Barta, associate professor of biology, was awarded the Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUI) Award of the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), for the fourth consecutive year in 2022. The prestigious award recognizes excellence in plant science scholarship and undergraduate student research mentorship of faculty at primarily undergraduate serving institutions. The award [...]

          Barta Honored by Plant Biologists2022-06-30T09:51:38-05:00
          Jun 06, 2022

            Wildlife Society Tags Monarchs and Plants Trees


            The student chapter of The Wildlife Society utilized a Gold Friday at Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge. They commenced in the morning with their annual tagging of Monarch butterflies as the monarchs began their epic migration. In the afternoon, they were joined by Dr. Aracely Newton and planted additional trees on the MWSU [...]

            Wildlife Society Tags Monarchs and Plants Trees2022-06-30T09:53:01-05:00
            Jun 06, 2022

              Jedlicka and Nute Co-Author Publication


              Congratulations to Dr. Julie Jedlicka and MWSU honors graduate Laney (Hayward) Nute who co-authored a peer-reviewed publication with others in PeerJ Life and Environment. The paper analyzed how seasons, guilds, and years affect avian foraging in Mexican coffee farms. Laney is now a graduate student at the University of Mississippi researching endangered species [...]

              Jedlicka and Nute Co-Author Publication2022-06-27T10:38:29-05:00
              Jun 06, 2022

                Education and Biology Students Support Live Steam


                On Friday, Nov. 5, Dr. Ollie Bogdon, department of education, nine students from education, and two students from the department of biology attended the Live STEAM 2021 Event at Science City in Union Station. This event brought together 200 fourth and fifth-grade Girl Scouts for an evening focused on engaging girls in STEM [...]

                Education and Biology Students Support Live Steam2022-06-27T11:00:47-05:00
                Jun 06, 2022

                  Biology Students and Faculty Participate in Prairie Days


                  Biology professors Dr. Csengela Barta and Dr. Cary Chevalier helped staff the Missouri Department of Conservation and The Nature Conservancy's Prairie Days at the TNC Dunn Ranch on Friday, Sept. 10 and Saturday, Sept. 11. It was very successful on several levels with over 200 people visiting and enjoying the outdoor activities. Eight [...]

                  Biology Students and Faculty Participate in Prairie Days2022-06-30T10:03:36-05:00