To be considered as a candidate for graduation, students must submit an Application for Graduation by clicking the links below or through your Goldlink in the Graduation Resources card. Questions can be directed to the Registrar’s Office, Eder Hall 102, (816) 271-4229, The following deadlines should be observed:
Fall graduation: July 1
Spring graduation: November 1
Summer graduation: March 1
A $25 late fee will be assessed on applications received after the 5th day of the graduating term for Fall or Spring graduates and after the 2nd day of the graduating term for Summer graduates.
Upon entry of the graduation information into the student record, a graduation fee ($100 for undergraduate students, $125 for graduate students) will be added to the student’s account. Please note the addition of a $25 late fee referenced above. The graduation fee includes domestic shipping for the diploma. International shipments must be initiated by the student and use eShipGlobal.

University Exit Exam
Undergraduate students earning a bachelor’s degree must complete the University Exit Exam (Educational Personal Profile). If you have questions please contact the Testing Center at or call 816-271-4410.

Digital Diplomas
Missouri Western offers a free digital diploma to students. Your digital diploma complements your paper diploma and is faster to access! Share your diploma with family, friends, colleagues and potential employers plus it can be posted on your Social Media accounts. Find out how to claim your digital diploma here.

Commencement and Diploma Information
Commencement is held in December and May and participation is voluntary. Students who complete all degree requirements in the Fall will be eligible to attend the DECEMBER commencement ceremony. Students who complete all degree requirements in the Spring and Summer will be eligible to attend the MAY commencement ceremony.
Students attending commencement will receive a diploma cover and honors stole, if applicable. Students not attending commencement have the option to visit the Registrar’s Office in Eder 102 to pick-up a diploma cover beginning the week of finals and an honors stole, if applicable, after final grades have been posted for the graduating term. Diploma covers and honors stoles cannot be mailed.
Official Missouri Western diplomas will be mailed 4-6 weeks after commencement. Prior to this an email will be sent to the student’s MWSU email account requesting address confirmation. The paper diploma is sent via USPS and a digital diploma can be downloaded immediately. The diploma will not be released if any financial obligation exists between the student and the University.