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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions2023-01-23T08:38:34-06:00
What happened to “Dorms”?2017-12-08T02:13:58-06:00

A dormitory is merely a place to sleep and store your belongings. In the past, dorm mothers or fathers supervised dorms. This concept of on-campus living ended in the 60’s. A residence hall, on the other hand, is a home. It is a place to live and learn. It is an important part of college life that will enhance the classroom experience. After all, students spend a great deal more time in the residence halls than they do anywhere else on campus! A residence hall is a complete environment where students can learn to interact with people, develop leadership skills, write papers, attend events and programs, make lifelong friends, and build memories that will last a lifetime. Taking advantage of the educational programming, contact with faculty/staff members and other academic aids can allow residents to greatly enhance their learning experience at Missouri Western.

What size is my bed?2019-10-29T12:34:00-05:00

With the exception of Vartabedian Hall, all residence hall mattresses are extra-long twins, measuring 80″ x 36″.  Vartabedian Hall has full-size mattresses. To help avoid the frustration of purchasing linens that may not fit, be sure to check that the packaging states “Extra-Long Twin”.  Residential Life also participates in a linen’s program through OCM.  You may find their web page that is directed through Missouri Western State University at

Does my room have carpet?2017-12-08T02:12:41-06:00

All student rooms in Beshears, Scanlon, Vaselakos and Leaverton are carpeted. All rooms in Juda are tile. Some students like to place additional rugs in their rooms and common areas. Bathrooms are tiled and are equipped with institutional shower curtains. Students may add their own shower curtains, but the institutional shower curtain must be replaced before checking out to avoid charges.

Can I have overnight guests?2022-11-02T15:54:48-05:00

Guests will not be allowed in a room unless all occupants in that room are in agreement. All guests must be checked in according to our Guest Registration Policy. All guests are subject to University regulations and residence hall policies. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guest(s) and guests should be escorted at all times. If a student feels his or her roommate(s) are not abiding by this policy, it is his or her responsibility to notify a Residence Life staff member.

Do I need insurance on personal belongings?2017-12-08T02:11:40-06:00

Yes!  Missouri Western is not responsible for loss or damage to personal property from any cause. We recommend that you check to see if your belongings are covered under your family’s homeowner’s insurance policy.

If this is not the case, you may wish to buy renter’s insurance, which is reasonably priced. Regardless of coverage, it is a good idea to mark your valuables for identification purposes. The Missouri Western Police Department offers Operation ID, a program that marks your property for identification.

How do I access the Internet?2020-01-13T11:28:53-06:00

All suites have internet access, through ethernet as well as wireless. Students should bring their own Ethernet cable. Students who do not own a computer have free use of conveniently located computer labs in their hall or area as well as on campus.

How do the laundry facilities work?2023-09-18T12:17:33-05:00

Laundry facilities are located in each residence hall. It costs $2.00 to wash and $1.50 to dry. The machines work on quarters at the machines and with credit/debit card when using the Speed Queen app. The laundry app also has capabilities to see when washers and dryers are available and send notifications when laundry is done. Repair problems on washers and dryers can be submitted using the QR code on the machines and refunds should be reported to the Contracts Office (located in the Commons Building and open M-F 8 am to 5 pm).

What happens if I lose my keys?2022-05-03T11:18:08-05:00

If you live in Juda/Beshears you need to fill out a new key request at the Commons front desk. Otherwise you need to report the lost key to University Police located in Blum Union. Charges will be billed to your student account.

What is my mailing address & how do I get mail?2020-04-10T13:58:18-05:00

Mailboxes for Juda/Beshears residents are located in the Commons Building. Leaverton/Vaselakos/Scanlon/Vartabedian mailboxes are located in the lobby of each building. Residents are assigned a mailbox key during check-in.

All packages are logged/sorted and picked up by residents in the Commons Building. Students are notified when their packages arrive by receiving an email from University Mailing Services to their MWSU email account. University ID is required to retrieve packages from the Commons Building.

Mail and packages should be addressed as indicated below:

4801 East University Drive
Room# Name of Hall
St. Joseph, MO 64507

What are the custodial and maintenance services?2017-12-08T02:09:07-06:00

Missouri Western employs custodial workers to clean common areas, lounges, lobbies, hallways, laundry rooms, and lounges. Students are responsible for cleaning their own rooms and bathrooms. Students should bring their own cleaning supplies.

Maintenance concerns should be reported promptly by completing a Maintenance Request online through the student’s My Housing Information in their Goldlink account. Maintenance personnel responds in the order and urgency requests are received. Though we are unable to predict the exact day and time the repair, repairs are usually completed within 24 business hours of the request. Maintenance operates Monday-Friday 7:30am-3:30pm, except in cases of emergencies.

Am I required to have a housing deposit?2022-05-03T11:19:26-05:00

No, but each student pays a $50.00 application fee per year. We do not accept waivers.

What is the length of the Housing Contract?2020-01-08T14:57:34-06:00

The contract is binding for the entire academic year. In an effort to stabilize our occupancy and best project spaces for incoming students in the spring semester, we do not allow fall only contracts.  Students that have qualifying events for breaking their contract would still be released from the contract with no financial penalty, but need to complete the Contract Cancellation form. Spring only contracts will still be available for students entering MWSU in the spring semester.  See the Terms and Conditions of the housing contract for more information.

How does the meal plan work?2017-12-08T02:04:39-06:00

All residents are required to participate in the University Meal Plan. Residents can choose from several different meal plans based on individual needs. For more information, visit the Campus Dining website.

Can I have pets in my residence hall room?2017-12-08T02:03:46-06:00

Pets are not allowed. Students may have fish with the consent of their roommate(s). Each resident may have one 10-gallon aquarium.

What are quiet hours?2017-12-08T02:03:20-06:00

The hours from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m. Sunday-Thursday and from Midnight to 10 a.m. on weekends are established as “Quiet Hours”. Residents have many different schedules and lifestyles, but you will find life a lot easier if you respect each other’s right to study and sleep. Stereos, radios, televisions and any other noise which tends to disturb an adjoining suite/apartment, whether next-door or above or below, will subside during quiet hours. Suite balconies, outside walkways and the courtyards are subject to quiet hours. “Courtesy Hours” exist 24 hours a day, every day, and will be enforced. Reasonable quiet is expected at all times during the day and night. Students with stereos are encouraged to bring and use headphones. The University reserves the right to require students to remove stereos after violations of this policy. The right of a student to sleep or study will always override any other student’s right to make noise. As a general rule of thumb, if sound can be heard from outside of a room, it is in violation.

If other residents are infringing on your ability to sleep or study you have the right (at any time of the day or night) to ask them to quiet down. If trouble persists, contact your Resident Assistant who will handle the situation.

What, if any, appliances should I bring?2024-06-18T16:36:50-05:00

Refrigerators should be no larger than 5 cubic feet and draw no more than 1.5 running amps.

All electrical cooking and heat producing appliances are prohibited. These appliances include but are not limited to Crock Pots, hot plates, hot oil fryers, popcorn makers, rice cookers, space heaters, sun lamps, toasters, toaster-ovens, other appliances with open heating coils, George Foreman grills and other skillet style or other hot plate style items.

Appliances that are allowed in Residence Halls include microwaves, Scentsys (or other wax melting appliances), auto shut-off coffee makers and Keurigs.

In the interest of fire prevention, electrical outlets must not be overloaded.

Are candles allowed in the Residence Halls?2022-05-03T11:23:21-05:00

Burning candles, incense, kerosene lamps, or other flammable liquid fueled devices, are prohibited in all Residence Life buildings. Decorative candles must have non burned, clipped wicks, or be wickless. The number one cause of residence hall and apartment fires is an open flame. Incense, as well as being a fire hazard, can be an eye and respiratory irritant. To ensure the safety and comfort of our community, Residence Life prohibits these items.

Is soliciting allowed in the halls?2022-05-03T11:24:23-05:00

Soliciting is not permitted in the residence halls. Students should ask salespersons to leave the building if they are approached. If they refuse, call the Office of Housing and Residence Life, or Missouri Western State University Police.

How do I go about posting signs for my organization?2017-12-08T02:01:19-06:00

You must get approval by the Center for Student Involvement to post flyers. Information can only be posted in designated areas approved by the University.

What is the visitation policy?2017-12-08T02:00:37-06:00

All residence halls have visitation hours of 10 a.m. to midnight, Sunday through Thursday; and 10 a.m. to 2 a.m; Friday and Saturday.  Roommates must consent to all guests and visitors.