Missouri Western – Basic Emergency Operation Plan
Plan & Prepare is the process of planning and preparing for how to respond when an emergency occurs, and coordinating physical and human resources to respond effectively. Planning and Preparing includes establishing authorities, procedures and plans, training, exercises, and acquiring and maintaining resources.
Incident refers to the actual emergency event which occurs. See Levels of Emergency.
Alert is the process of communicating information about the emergency to the campus community.
Respond is quick action to save lives, protect property and environment, and contain and stabilize the incident. Response also includes search and rescue, emergency medical care, firefighting, and security.
Recovery could be short-term or long-term efforts. Short-term recovery efforts will focus on restoring vital services to the university and providing the basic needs of staff and students, such as temporary food and shelter, restoring critical services and functions. Long-term recovery efforts focus on restoring the university to normal operations.
Prevention & Mitigation activities are geared towards reducing or eliminating hazards related to an emergency. It is an integral part of the emergency management program which should assist in strengthening facilities and reducing damage.
AAR | After Action Report |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ALS | Advanced Life Support |
ASTREC | Animal Science Teaching & Research Center |
CEOC | Community Emergency Operations Center |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CIKR | Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources |
CPG | Comprehensive Preparedness Guide |
EAS | Emergency Alert System |
ED | U.S. Department of Education |
EMC | Emergency Management Coordinator |
EMD | Emergency Medical Dispatch |
EMS | Emergency Medical Services |
EOP | Emergency Operations Plan |
ERM | Enterprise Risk Management |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FD | Fire Department |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FMO | Financial Management Agency |
GEPA | General Education Provisions Act |
GERG | Geo Chemical & Environmental Research Group |
HEOA | Higher Education Opportunity Act |
HSC | Health Science Center |
HSEEP | Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program |
HSPD | Homeland Security Presidential Directive |
ICP | Incident Command Pose |
ICS | Incident Command System |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
NCAA | National Collegiate Athletic Association |
NIMS | National Incident Management System |
PD | Police Department |
PIO | Public Information Officer |
RCRA | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act |
RSS | Really Simple Syndication |
SASE | Office of Safety & Security |
SMS | Short Message Service |
TDD | Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf |
UPD | University Police Department |
USC | United States Code |