The Student Employment Program is excited to announce a three part Leadership and Workplace Culture Series for Fall 2019!
- Part 1 – September 26 – 2:30-4:00 pm – Spratt 101
In Part 1, Candy will take you through a brilliant exploration of the four personality styles. You’ll learn to overcome personality differences that lead to problems like communication breakdown, negotiation let-down, and delegation fall-down by learning the secrets to connecting and partnering with other personalities. Candy will share her 4Cs of Leadership: Confidence, Communication, Creativity and Change in the workplace. Last, you will dive into your Emotional Intelligence so you can be proactive instead of reactive. - Part 2 – October 22 – 2:30-4:00 pm – Spratt 101
Part II is an exploration of the generations in the workplace… there are five now! In this group activity you will get to discuss what motivates you, what is your work ethic and what is a burning question you would like to ask another generation. The good news is YOU will be with your own generation to discuss these questions so we can truly learn to work better and be more productive with ALL the generations. Candy will also teach the importance of change management skills and the seven differences between a leader and a boss. - Part 3 – November 14 – 2:30-4:00 pm – Spratt 205
Part III is diving deep into what kind of leader you are and/or plan to be. You will be working on your W.O.W. Philosophy (Way of Working) using your mind and your creativity. Then you will understand the importance of coaching your employees; learn the eight benefits to coaching. Now that you are the leader, do you feel like there is just not enough time? Candy will teach her top two ways to figure out what is truly important when it comes to time management and we will even make that team meeting more timely and effective. Last, you will break into teams for a rousing game of “What Did We Learn” in the Leadership and Workplace Culture Series? Candy ends the series with a review that is full of interaction, fun and application tools for each leader to excel!
No sign up required, looking forward to seeing you there!
Open to all students, faculty, staff, and administration.