Missouri Western alumni have lifelong access to many of the same resources and services offered to current students.

  • Online position vacancies and employers recruiting Missouri Western University alumni and students with your Missouri Western email through
  • Resources to network, research employers, and do customized career exploration. These resources include:
    Big Interview: Get access to a full video curriculum for interviewing, job search, and resumes. Also, get an opportunity to video record yourself answering interview questions and receive access to a whole library of interview questions.
    Traitify: an online career personality assessment that provides insight into how your personality and interests match potential careers provided by the Career Development Center. It is free, online, and takes about 90 seconds to complete.
  • Resume and/or job search assistance. Email our staff your resume or cover letter at careercenter@missouriwestern.edu. Expect a 3-5 business day turnaround for resume or cover letter feedback.
  • Career coaching: email careercenter@missouriwestern.edu or call us (816)271-4292 to schedule an appointment.


Office Information

4525 Downs Dr.
Blum Union, Suite 210
(816) 271-4292
Email: careercenter@missouriwestern.edu


8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

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