Welcome! Please read narrative below for instructions on how to contact Counseling.

The Counseling Center sees students for in-person sessions and also continues to provide telehealth session options (phone call, video chat). Mask use is optional for both counselor and client.
Students who wish to utilize counseling services and schedule an appointment should complete the forms found here: https://mwsu.titaniumhwc.com/
Students will be given a choice for session format (phone/video chat/in-person). Google Meet is used for video chat sessions. We can assure HIPAA-compliance through use of Google Meet as long as sessions are associated with your university email address. Google Meet can be accessed through your MWSU email account. There also is a phone app for both Apple and Android if computer access is an issue.
If you would like to begin or continue counseling, please fill out the appropriate forms (New Clients or Existing Clients), and center personnel will be in contact with you as soon as possible during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). We can also still be contacted during our normal business hours by email (counseling@missouriwestern.edu) or phone (816-271-4327).
Any questions may be directed to your counselor, or by emailing counseling@missouriwestern.edu. We thank you for your continued understanding, and we hope to speak with you (via phone/video chat/in-person) soon!
Counseling Services Available
The Counseling Center is designed to help students with personal problems that might interfere with their educational pursuits.
These include, but are not limited to:
- improving motivation to study
- managing time better
- adjusting to life in the U.S.
- managing everyday stress
- improving concentration
- increasing self-confidence
- overcoming homesickness
- developing a mature sexuality
- overcoming anxiety about test taking or public performing
- improving relationships with family and friends
- developing independence and decision-making ability
- overcoming feelings of apathy and mild depression
- finding help for alcohol/drug abuse, eating disorders, or other problems
Personal Counseling
Counselors use a variety of techniques to help students work through personal problems. This often involves helping a client perceive situations in more constructive ways. It then enables clients to set goals and take the actions that will obtain the desired goals. The counselors can also help individuals gain greater awareness through self monitoring and evaluation to the point where they are able to use techniques learned in counseling on their own.