Counselors at Missouri Western do a great deal of counseling. They assist students with any personal problem which may be interfering with their academic pursuits.
Counselors do not share information about students with anyone except other counseling staff. For example, if the faculty member or coach refers a student, information will not be shared with the referring party without the consent of the student. An exception to this policy occurs if the student is deemed a danger to themselves or someone else. At this point, a counselor has the duty to warn and this will usually involve sharing confidential information. Counseling records may also be subpoenaed.
Counselors at Missouri Western do not provide long-term therapy. Typically, the counseling sessions run from 5 to 8 weeks. Counselors will assist students with needs for longer-term therapy to find a suitable treatment program in the community.
Counselors avoid accepting a client that is seeing another counselor without the permission of the initial counselor. Students who wish to see a different counselor need to secure permission from their present counselor.
Missouri Western counselors do not see spouses or other family members that do not attend Missouri Western.
Counselors do not usually help students plan schedules. Incoming students may want to talk with an admissions counselor about programs and classes. Enrolled students should see their advisor for this type of help.