By: Maria Selby

Welcome back to my channel!” is a well-known phrase used by YouTubers before they share their stories to viewers.

Paige Griffee, Tanner Kerns and Gabriel Barton are currently full-time students, as well as YouTubers. These students take time out of their busy class and work schedules to provide fun and creative content for an ever-growing fan-base.

Barton has been posting videos on his channel for over four years and believes YouTube is a great way for opportunities for channels like his to share ideas, thoughts and just about anything else they want to.

“There are a lot of opportunities that exist in online media that people don’t realize,” Barton said.

On many professional YouTube channels, sets and teams are created to ensure the success of the channel.

Kerns, Griffee and Barton use their channels as a creative outlet to help people escape the stressors of everyday life through their videos.

Kerns has been uploading videos for over three years and shows no signs of discontinuing his very unique channel.

“Everyone can do similar videos: storytime, vlogs and guru, but it’s the people that make it interesting,” Kerns said. “I like making people laugh, it [YouTube] is a place where people go to leave reality. If I could do that for even a few people, then I did my job.”

Griffee started uploading videos at the beginning of 2017, but already has uploaded many different kinds of videos including vegan-friendly cooking videos, makeup tutorials and collaborations with other Youtubers. Griffee makes creative, friendly cooking videos. She doesn’t eat dairy, gluten or eggs for health reasons and wanted to share the various options she could eat.

“I thought of how I can turn this into a positive experience,” Griffee said. “I started making videos to see if it would help me since there’s a community out there.”

YouTubers must make time to set-up shoots, record, edit and upload every one of their videos.

Kerns is a part-time student and is employed full-time. He said editing a video is a job within itself, it could take up to three hours of editing for a 30-minute video. Barton has three different jobs on top of being a student and the work can easily pile up.

The time that it takes to make these videos is greatly appreciated by fans. Many comments and “likes” follow their uploads, and with a combined total of about 100,000 views, we can only hope they continue to update their channels.

So go check them out. Like, comment and subscribe.