It began with two words

The #metoo movement began, for me, by posting those two words on my Facebook feed; with this simple and brave act, I acknowledged that I, too, have been the subject of sexual violence—more than once.

In this movement started by activist Tarana Burke, the Internet held up a mirror to its users of all the ways that too many women (and some men) have been sexually mistreated, silenced and shamed.

#NoMore is in our future; by joining our voices we have created a community in which victims feel safe speaking up, and we have revealed how large a problem violence against women is. This movement has given me the courage and focus to help those in abusive relationships, to work harder to dismantle rape culture and to teach my two-year-old son to respect and listen to women.

Ultimately, it’s not enough that all of those hurt by sexual violence bear witness with the words #MeToo; we must speak out and act in ways that make clear to those who hurt others (intentionally or not) that their actions are unacceptable.

Dr. Marianne Kunkel

A voice for victims

The #metoo movement, to me, is meant to give a voice to victims. When I was in high school I was sexually assaulted on school grounds…The boy was suspended for a week and I was institutionalized for months from the trauma. There are too many victims out there feeling they can’t rise up because they won’t be supported, but this movement gives the voiceless a voice.

I have been in abusive relationships…I am no longer a victim and this movement lets others know it is OK to rise up and not be the victim anymore. It is empowering to know that you stand with others who have been through similar scenarios or situations. Feminism does not just have to be about women or gender. It is about all people no matter the race, gender, ethnicity, sexual preference or transgender coming together wanting equality in all aspects of life.

Culturally, the #metoo movement is a phenomenon and it will keep allowing women of other cultures to stand up and have a voice even if it goes against what they have always known. The #metoo movement is the future.
