By: Myleigh Lanham

Missouri Western’s production of “Schoolhouse Rock!” rocked the house in Potter Hall in October 2017.

The jukebox musical is a show during which the audience can say they learned about the government, grammar and money management. Tom, a nervous school teacher, is watching television when iconic educational characters represent aspects of his personality to show him how to win his students over with imagination and music.

Morgan Mallory, who directed the musical, said she enjoys to create, tell a story and collaborate for a show.

“I think directing is one of my favorite ways to artistically express because you deal with a bunch of different people coming together to tell one person’s story,” Mallory said. “I like all of the little puzzle pieces and being able to create something together.”

During the performance, the actors put their full energy into the show. Actors wore shoes with wheels in the heel and would slide across the stage and there was no intermission between all of the dancing, singing, jumping or skipping.

Robert Vardiman who played George, said that he would like to perform for the rest of his life.

“When I am onstage performing, it is like no other feeling in the whole world,” Vardiman said. “I wouldn’t say it’s better than food, but it’s out there.”

Since the show is very educational, the department offered promotions to incorporate the younger generations. They partnered with Big Brothers Big Sisters and if a big brother brought their little, the little would get in the show for free.  

“We just wanted to do community outreach and connect with kids so we went for a show where they could learn and celebrate,” Mallory said.

The department also had a pajama night where the audience could come in pajamas, watch Saturday morning cartoons before the show and eat from a cereal bar, the proceeds were donated to the Noyes Home. There was also a bus that would pick children up from the home to come watch the show for free.

Riley Rasche, a sophomore on campus, said she really enjoyed the different aspects of the show.

“The cast and crew did an amazing job,” Rasche said. “The lighting was great as well as the vocals and choreography. It was one of my favorite shows at Missouri Western so far.”

Over the course of two-and-a-half weeks, the cast had to learn 21 songs. Songs that some audience members may remember such as “Conjunction Junction,” “I’m Just a Bill” and “A Noun is a Person, Place or Thing.”

“Everybody likes Schoolhouse Rock; it’s a nostalgic and enjoyable show,” Vardiman said.