By: Mackenzie Boos

Not often does a collegiate soccer player hang up her jersey for some basketball playing time. However, this was the story for senior Paige Phipps.

Phipps thought her collegiate career was over until she was given an invitation to play on the basketball court.

Women’s basketball at Western has experienced some hardships recently when it came to season games, seeing as most of their players were injured. Coach Rob Edmisson, women’s basketball head coach, asked Phipps to step in after he only had six players that were healthy and eligible.

“Once I committed for soccer, I never thought I would probably play basketball again,” Phipps said. “My dad has always been a big supporter of me playing basketball. Every year he told me to go out for the team; as a senior, I never thought this would happen because I haven’t played in four years.”

Phipps played basketball in high school and had offers to play at the collegiate level after receiving Nebraska All-Class honorable mention in high school for her talent. However, she stuck with her heart and chose the sport she loved: soccer.

Coach Edmisson said one of the things he loves most about Phipps is how selfless she is.

“She has a good spirit about her and she didn’t come in with any premeditated thoughts about needing to get minutes. She just wants to help out,” Edmisson said. “It is so refreshing to see someone that was more concerned about helping our kids out than what might come out of it for her.”

Phipps said she is all about Griffs supporting fellow Griffs and willing to help out wherever or whenever she’s needed.

Soccer coach Chad Edwards mentioned that he appreciated Phipps work ethic.

“I really enjoy her tenacity and how much passion she has for life, academically and athletically,” Edwards said. “I enjoyed coaching her because she was always going to give maximum effort.”

Both coaches praised Phipps for her hard work, but willingness to help also shows off what kind of campus Western is.

“We all support each other and want each other to have success and I am really proud of our hall (Upper GISC),” Edwards said.

“I am motivated every day by the other coaches in this hall. They are winning and doing a really good job in the community and academically.”

Coach Edwards loves his job as well as the bond between coaches and players because everyone helps one another out. Each coach will give advice and support to any other coach that asks.

“I think this all illuminates this side of things at Missouri Western,” Edwards said. “We are all in this together and we are all fighting for the same thing: for our athletes to have success.”