Story By: Rachel Gough

It’s that time of year again! Time to suit up, buck up and enjoy those sunny rays. Spring break is a time to forget your worries and have fun with friends.

DO bring all of your awesome, ready to have some fun, friends with you to ensure a once in a lifetime trip.

DON’T bring that couple that breaks up every five seconds because we all know alcohol won’t keep things glued together.

DO plan in advance! Book your flight, hotel and a list of some activities that you would like to participate in. The earlier you plan, the bigger the savings.

DON’T wait until the last minute and expect it all to be kosher. You’ll pay an arm and a leg.

DO pack ahead.

DON’T be that one girl that forgets the bottoms to her swimsuit and has to pay tourist prices for a new one.

DO be ready for a good time. If you’re going to complain about things, expect to be left out. Nobody has time for that.

DO smile! Have fun! Leave your worries at home. Everyone’s been ready for this trip all year.

DON’T put a damper on it.

DO make a bomb playlist.

DON’T put depressing songs on said playlist. Not one. Not two. Not a few. None.

DO make happy, fun memories.

DON’T be the person who only remembers (forgets) how many times they threw up, had drama with an ex, got lost or hooked up with the entire beach.

DO compose yourself and…

DON’T try to be the badass that can’t actually handle 4 keg stands in a row.

DO keep your cell phone on hand at all times.

DON’T run into the ocean with said cell phone. Rice will not be your savior.

DO look out for your friends.

DON’T be that friend that has to be looked out for every second of every day of the trip.

DON’T take drinks from strangers. He may seem cute and harmless, but that it’s not worth it.

DO drink lots of water.

DON’T end up ruining the vacation with a trip to the ER for dehydration.

DO apply sunscreen. You may think you look like a bronze goddess but you’ll end up looking like an ad for Red Lobster without that SPF.

DO wake up and enjoy time on the beach.

DON’T be the person who sleeps away the best trip of college.

Overall, enjoy Spring Break 2016 because the moments that you will make during this trip are priceless. The bonds with friends and strangers will be irreplaceable and the memories will stay with you for a lifetime.