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Super Science Saturday

Story By: Alicen Fowler
Photos By: Corey Myers

The words “science” and “fun” are synonymous on Super Science Saturday at Missouri Western State University. This event takes place every year on a Saturday in Remington and Agenstein Hall. Parents and children from all […]

2019-06-12T10:05:00-05:00January 31st, 2016|Categories: Home featured, previews featured|Tags: , , , |

Acapella Group

Singing modern pop tunes straight from the radio and having some of the best singers come together are just a couple of the great attributes the Acapella Group have to offer.

Twenty-two students make up the ensemble. Auditions held in September […]

2019-06-12T10:05:01-05:00October 5th, 2015|Categories: Home featured, past stories featured|Tags: , , , , , |

Way Back Wednesday

You’ve heard of Throwback Thursdays and Flashback Fridays. Well, a day has been added to recognize these memories. The Center for Multicultural Education decided to bring it waaaay back by hosting their ‘80s themed Way Back Wednesday event. Students and […]

2019-06-12T10:05:01-05:00October 5th, 2015|Categories: Home featured, past stories featured|Tags: , , , |

Dr. Elizabeth Latosi-Sawin

The 2015 spring semester marked the exodus of many students who began new chapters of their lives. However, in the case of Dr. Elizabeth Latosi-Sawin, the spring semester marked the end of a career. For the many faculty members and […]

2019-06-12T10:05:01-05:00October 5th, 2015|Categories: Home featured, past stories featured|Tags: , , , , , |